How Sweet It Is!

by thane rosenbaum | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 1942134002 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Azuki of Miami, Florida USA on 4/19/2017
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Azuki from Miami, Florida USA on Wednesday, April 19, 2017
When the City of Miami Beach celebrated its Centennial in 2015, it launched a citywide book club reading experience titled, One Book, One City, featuring Thane Rosenbaum’s novel, HOW SWEET IT IS! A novelist, essayist and law professor living in New York, Rosenbaum was raised in Miami Beach and is arguably the city’s most critically acclaimed author/native son.

The novel is a literary, comedic tale set in Miami Beach in the summer of 1972, telling the story of the Posner family, survivors of the Holocaust. Reading the book reminds me of Forrest Gump, in which the characters are weaved into historic events in a slightly comical setting. There are the Democrat and Republican conventions, the desegregation of schools, the Olympics. The characters cross path with Mohammad Ali, Frank Sinatra, Jackie Gleason, Fidel Castro and more. At times funny, at times stirring, mostly brilliant and witty.

This book will be included in the Sunshine Florida raffle prize. I hope the winner enjoys it!

Journal Entry 2 by Tanumine at St. Hanshaugen bydel, Oslo fylke Norway on Saturday, April 29, 2017
I was the very lucky winner of the Sunshine Florida raffle prize! Thank you! Looking forward to this!

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