Inubaka: Crazy for Dogs, Vol. 6

by Yukiya Sakuragi | Graphic Novels | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 1421511622 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingnimrodielwing of Evanston, Illinois USA on 11/21/2017
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingnimrodielwing from Evanston, Illinois USA on Tuesday, November 21, 2017
I picked this up from a local little free library to read.

Journal Entry 2 by wingnimrodielwing at Evanston, Illinois USA on Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Sugyri is slightly depressed after ending her training with Henry on the agility course until she is told hey whyn dont you train Lupin? Life at the shop gets hectic when Noa finds a kitten floating in the river and starts to nurse it as if it was one of her puppies. Lupin and aother puppy from the store start digging in the yard of the puppy's owner's yard and find a hidden cache of scripts hidden in the shell of an old bomb. These scripts were written by the owner when he was younger and helps to explain why he left his family ten years earlier and starts to heal the rift between him and his young adult daughter.

Journal Entry 3 by wingnimrodielwing at LFL - Custer Ave (619) #44604 in Evanston, Illinois USA on Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Released 6 yrs ago (12/4/2017 UTC) at LFL - Custer Ave (619) #44604 in Evanston, Illinois USA


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