Breathing Lessons

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 042511774x Global Overview for this book
Registered by ryanreader of St. Petersburg, Florida USA on 3/9/2004
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by ryanreader from St. Petersburg, Florida USA on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Maggie Moran's mission is to connect and unite people, whether they want to be united or not. Maggie is a meddler and as she and her husband, Ira, drive 90 miles to the funeral of an old friend, Ira contemplates his wasted life and the traffic, while Maggie hatches a plant to reunite her son Jesse with his long-estranged wife and baby. As Ira explains, "She thinks the people she loves are better than they really are, and so then she starts changing things around to suit her view of them." Though everyone criticizes her for being "ordinary," Maggie's ability to see the beauty and potential in others ultimately proves that she is the only one fighting the resignation they all fear. The book captured the Pulitzer Prize for literature in 1989.

Journal Entry 2 by ryanreader from St. Petersburg, Florida USA on Wednesday, March 10, 2004
dup copy ~ picked up at thrift store
mailed today to ekgv414

Journal Entry 3 by ekgv414 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA on Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Received today from ryanreader. Thanks! Adding it to my teetering TBR pile. I'll pass it along when I'm finished.

Journal Entry 4 by ekgv414 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA on Sunday, May 23, 2004
I was interested in this one mostly because the TV-movie version of it was filmed in a friend's house. But I did enjoy the book - it took place in only one day, but Maggie's whole life story was told through extended flashbacks. I do enjoy stories about ordinary people. Life doesn't have to be crazy and exciting to be good, etc.

Yet another of my lame, late-night journal entries.

Journal Entry 5 by ekgv414 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA on Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Sending to Stacie in Santa Cruz. I hope you enjoy it!

Journal Entry 6 by Blackbirds13 from Santa Cruz, California USA on Saturday, December 11, 2004
just came in the mail today. Thanks ekgv414.

I'm working my way through the Pulitzer Prize winners and this is one.

Journal Entry 7 by Blackbirds13 from Santa Cruz, California USA on Sunday, January 16, 2005
I enjoyed this book. It was well written I thought. I was at times annoyed with the main charicter, Maggie, but I also felt sorry for her.
It is a good book that I would reccomend.
Now I have to get off my butt and release it!

Journal Entry 8 by Blackbirds13 at New Leaf Foods in Capitola, California USA on Monday, January 17, 2005

Released 20 yrs ago (1/17/2005 UTC) at New Leaf Foods in Capitola, California USA



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