by Sue Margolis | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 9780385337571 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 9780385337571 Global Overview for this book
2 journalers for this copy...

It's a blindfold
crossed with a bullhorn,
pointing a gun.
crossed with a bullhorn,
pointing a gun.

And now it's come to this... The great reveal! ;)
Whoo WOOO!! OWWW!! !
What a hot mama of a book that's sauntering up to your door for the 2017 Birthday group!
(and for a little fee, you can have her pop out of your birthday cake, so you can lick the frosting off her pages! ;) he he)
Whoo WOOO!! OWWW!! !
What a hot mama of a book that's sauntering up to your door for the 2017 Birthday group!
(and for a little fee, you can have her pop out of your birthday cake, so you can lick the frosting off her pages! ;) he he)

A birthday gift for my 1/2 year! Yeah!
Thanks so much for this and all the goodies that came along for the ride from FL.
Thanks so much for this and all the goodies that came along for the ride from FL.

Easy read that kept me occupied for a day of waiting at the hospital.
Left it there to occupy someone else too.
Left it there to occupy someone else too.

Journal Entry 5 by
at Methodist Surgical Center @Huebner Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas USA on Friday, January 19, 2018

Released 7 yrs ago (1/18/2018 UTC) at Methodist Surgical Center @Huebner Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas USA
Hopefully this can help someone pass some time at the hospital.