Shadow Play: An Eve Duncan Novel

by Iris Johansen | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 1250075815 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingbookstogivewing of Springville, Tennessee USA on 5/6/2017
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Journal Entry 1 by wingbookstogivewing from Springville, Tennessee USA on Saturday, May 6, 2017
I got this book just for Bookcrossing and will read and or release, I don't know which yet!

Journal Entry 2 by wingbookstogivewing at Pearland, Texas USA on Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Released 7 yrs ago (7/19/2017 UTC) at Pearland, Texas USA


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Journal Entry 3 by winglove2cookwing at Pearland, Texas USA on Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Thanks for the books.

Journal Entry 4 by fathermurphy at Pearland, Texas USA on Sunday, May 13, 2018
This is another in the Eve Duncan series. This series has dragged on and on. Some books are a lot better than others. In this one Eve has been asked by a California sheriff to help with reconstructing the skull of a girl whose body has been buried for eight years. Eve calls the girl Jenny and vows to bring closure to the crime. The killer has far different ideas.............. A decent read.

Journal Entry 5 by fathermurphy at Christian Helping Hands Food Pantry in Pearland, Texas USA on Sunday, May 13, 2018

Released 6 yrs ago (5/13/2018 UTC) at Christian Helping Hands Food Pantry in Pearland, Texas USA


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