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Looking for Alaska

by John Green | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0007523165 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingTanamowing of Hinckley, Leicestershire United Kingdom on 8/13/2015
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingTanamowing from Hinckley, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Thursday, August 13, 2015
Miles Hatter's whole life has been one big non-event, until he meets Alaska Young. Gorgeous, clever and undoubtedly screwed up, Alaska draws Miles into her reckless world and irrevocably steals his heart. For Miles, nothing can ever be the same again.

Journal Entry 2 by wingTanamowing at Hinckley, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Friday, October 16, 2015
I found this book a little slow at first and nearly gave up on it early on but persevered and I'm glad I did. It depicts so much more than just teen angst. I strongly suspect Alaska was bi-polar but the effect she has on others generally seems to draw out the best in them. This was my first time reading John Green and I don't think it will be the last.

Journal Entry 3 by wingTanamowing at Paisley, Scotland United Kingdom on Monday, October 19, 2015

Released 9 yrs ago (10/19/2015 UTC) at Paisley, Scotland United Kingdom


Mailed to another bookcrosser via the UK wishlist tag game.

Journal Entry 4 by Chucklesthescot at Paisley, Scotland United Kingdom on Thursday, October 22, 2015
Thank you so much for tagging me! I've never read anything by this author so I'm keen to give it a go!

Journal Entry 5 by Chucklesthescot at Paisley, Scotland United Kingdom on Friday, February 5, 2016
This book was very slow and I didn't really like the characters much. If you want a really good John Green book go for The Fault in our stars if you have some tissues ready!

Journal Entry 6 by Chucklesthescot at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, Scotland United Kingdom on Friday, December 15, 2017

Released 7 yrs ago (11/20/2017 UTC) at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, Scotland United Kingdom


released in the hospital to try and grab a new reader

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