Dragons Are People, Too

by Sarah Nicolas | Teens |
ISBN: 1511439254 Global Overview for this book
Registered by IMissBookIt of Fort Wayne, Indiana USA on 6/4/2015
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by IMissBookIt from Fort Wayne, Indiana USA on Thursday, June 4, 2015
My friend Sarah wrote this book, so it is dear to my heart. I don't typically like books with much action OR romance, but somehow she turned this into a thrilling adventure I love. :-) I'm delighted to share it with you (and your grandkids) as the winner of my drawing to celebrate the release of her book. I helped with some feedback at the early stages, when it was still called 'Miranda's Fire,' and I did a teensy bit of editing, but the work is not mine! I was merely a spectator, and it was neat to have a ringside seat to the development of this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Journal Entry 2 by IMissBookIt at Fort Wayne, Indiana USA on Thursday, June 4, 2015

Released 9 yrs ago (6/4/2015 UTC) at Fort Wayne, Indiana USA


Mailing this to my beloved BC friend, MyssCyn, because she won my RABCK drawing! Mazel tov, and enjoy. :-)

Journal Entry 3 by wingMyssCynwing at San Antonio, Texas USA on Thursday, June 11, 2015
This wonderful RABCK prize arrived today. Æmilia & Gareth are spending the day tomorrow and we will start reading it then. Thanks so much.

Journal Entry 4 by wingMyssCynwing at Via Bus Stop On Huebner Just E Of Bandera in San Antonio, Texas USA on Friday, January 19, 2018

Released 7 yrs ago (1/18/2018 UTC) at Via Bus Stop On Huebner Just E Of Bandera in San Antonio, Texas USA


For when you are riding the bus. Enjoy! It's a good story.

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