Darkest Fear (Myron Bolitar)

by Harlan Coben | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0440246202 Global Overview for this book
Registered by fathermurphy of Pearland, Texas USA on 5/7/2015
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by fathermurphy from Pearland, Texas USA on Thursday, May 7, 2015
Father's day present from love2cook.

Journal Entry 2 by winglove2cookwing at Pearland, Texas USA on Friday, March 17, 2017
I guess this got hidden in the TBR mountain. Anyway, I got to read it first.

A boy is dying and needs bone marrow transplant. There is a donor match, but the donor is missing. The mother of the boy comes to her old boyfriend, Myron Bolitar for his help in finding this person. To add to her persuasion for his help he's told the boy is his son. Myron plunges into a search for the missing donor. Somewhere in the mess is a kidnapping spree, and the FBI and a broken family, he has to wade through the mystery and find the person to save his son's life. A good read!

Journal Entry 3 by fathermurphy at Pearland, Texas USA on Thursday, November 9, 2017
When an old girlfriend tells Myron that her boy Jeremy is his son and that he needs a bone marrow transplant from a donor who has vanished, Myron plunges into a search for the missing donor. An interesting search, with lots of twists and turns. A good read!

Journal Entry 4 by fathermurphy at - Somewhere In Pearland, TX in Pearland, Texas USA on Thursday, January 18, 2018

Released 7 yrs ago (1/18/2018 UTC) at - Somewhere In Pearland, TX in Pearland, Texas USA


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