In the Tall, Tall Grass

by Denise Fleming | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 080501635x Global Overview for this book
Registered by HI77 of Fort Myers, Florida USA on 1/2/2015
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by HI77 from Fort Myers, Florida USA on Friday, January 2, 2015
It's a endless belly,

a hunger that carries on
like an echo down a well.

Journal Entry 2 by HI77 at Fort Myers, Florida USA on Friday, January 2, 2015

Released 10 yrs ago (1/2/2015 UTC) at Fort Myers, Florida USA


This book is a SURPRISE! Rabck a great BC member who has been sharing boxes of books with BC community! :)

With a new and precious little one on the way for you, I thought I'd send some favorite children's books of my own daughter's childhood.

This book was one of her absolute favorites when she was just a little little thing. Once she could walk, I would tell her to go pick a book for me to read her before bedtime, and despite 2 shelves of books, she came back with this one 95% of time! lol

I could probably STILL recite the book by heart. I hope your little one will love it half as much! ;)

Journal Entry 3 by Supertalya at Chatan Town / 北谷町, Okinawa-ken Japan on Wednesday, March 11, 2015
I love it! Thanks so much. I can't wait to read it to my new little one!

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