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Tell the Wolves I'm Home: A Novel
2 journalers for this copy...

June is a 14 year old loner who misses the friendship she once had with her 16 year old sister Greta. In the ensuing years, June has become very close with her uncle Finn, an artist who is dying of AIDS. He insists on painting a portrait of June and Greta together in his last few months. After his death, June receives a package from Toby who she realizes was Finn's boyfriend. Her mother hates Toby (who was not invited to the funeral) so June begins sneaking off to New York to visit Toby.

Journal Entry 2 by silverstarry at LFL - Rancho Senior Center (3 Ethel Coplen Way) in Irvine, California USA on Friday, December 23, 2016
Released 8 yrs ago (12/23/2016 UTC) at LFL - Rancho Senior Center (3 Ethel Coplen Way) in Irvine, California USA

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Enjoyed references to NYC & Westchester since I lived there from 1969 - 1972.
Also raised two daughters, but glad they weren't as risky, at least to my knowledge, as this pair.
Also raised two daughters, but glad they weren't as risky, at least to my knowledge, as this pair.

Looking forward to reading it and releasing it!