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Breathing Lessons
Registered by ComradeCamper of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin USA on 1/17/2004
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

3 journalers for this copy...

This book won a Pulitzer prize, and was a New York Times bestseller. *I* didn't find the characters fully three-dimensional or believable, and I had a hard time identifying with their foibles. And I kept waiting for some kind of resolution, or epiphany -- or something.....

Journal Entry 2 by ComradeCamper at Caribou Coffee - Bluemound And Highway 100 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin USA on Sunday, January 18, 2004
Released on Sunday, January 18, 2004 at Caribou Coffee on Bluemound and Highway 100 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin USA.
On the sugar/cream/napkins table in the back of the store
On the sugar/cream/napkins table in the back of the store

I just checked on the book tonight. It got inadvertently put in the "lost and found". Now out on an endtable, next to the sofa -- still available!

I "caught" this book--but after it had again moved to the Lost and Found. This is probably an example of why a post-it note on the front saying the book isn't lost, but awaiting someone to pick it up is a good idea.
Since this type of novel is just not my "cup of tea," I'll release it again...
Since this type of novel is just not my "cup of tea," I'll release it again...

Recaptured this book at a coffee house, where I had released it almost three weeks ago.
Will release it again soon, somewhere else where there's more traffic, and it has a better chance of being caught.
Will release it again soon, somewhere else where there's more traffic, and it has a better chance of being caught.

I cought this book at the Beihoff Music store on North ave. on Saturday, Feb.7th. I haven't started reading it yet but I will.

Journal Entry 7 by ComradeCamper at Beihoff's Music Store in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin USA on Saturday, February 7, 2004
Released on Saturday, February 07, 2004 at Beihoff's Music Store in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin USA.
On the chairs near the practice rooms
On the chairs near the practice rooms