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The Hot Zone

by Richard Preston | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
Registered by Reanon of Albuquerque, New Mexico USA on 6/17/2002
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Journal Entry 1 by Reanon from Albuquerque, New Mexico USA on Monday, June 17, 2002
I found this book in my mail box at I am not the first to pass it on...but hopefully this will get it going, and it will have a long life in everyones hands! I left it at a bar in Bellflower, on Bellflower, in California. ENJOY!!

Released on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at The Midway (Bar, on Bellflower Blvd,crossing Alondra, across the street from Johnny Reb's.) in Bellflower, California USA.

In the bar, Midway (has only a neon sign that says BEER, pointing to it), in the back, w/ other books. On Bellflower, across from Johnny Rebs, and diagonally across from Ralphs.

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