The Finisher
by David Baldacci | Teens | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0545652200 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0545652200 Global Overview for this book
Registered by princess-peapod of San Luis Obispo, California USA on 5/9/2014
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

4 journalers for this copy...

Just looked interesting...

If you found this book while in the area of San Luis Obispo, CA. feel free to come by and check out Joe Mommas which houses our bookshelf! We also hold our local meetups on the first Tuesday of each month at 5pm there, please come join the fun! The books on the shelf are free to for you to read, enjoy and pass along to another!
Part of a bunch of books I'm getting to my birthday buddy (slightly late though!)
Sure hope you enjoy them all <3
"A book is a mysterious object, I said, and once it floats out into the world, anything can happen. All kinds of mischief can be caused, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. For better or worse, it's completely out of your control."
Paul Auster
Part of a bunch of books I'm getting to my birthday buddy (slightly late though!)
Sure hope you enjoy them all <3
"A book is a mysterious object, I said, and once it floats out into the world, anything can happen. All kinds of mischief can be caused, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. For better or worse, it's completely out of your control."
Paul Auster

This is a good fantasy that can be enjoyed by both teens and adults. Quentin Herms flees into the Quag (a very dangerous dark forest). Vega Jane, who has never left the village of Wormword, is determined to find out the truth, because nobody has ever left Wormword. Spooky!

This book is on its way by mail as RABCK to fellow bookcrosser love2cook in the great state of Texas. Enjoy!
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You have in your hands a gift. This book is yours to do with as you wish...read it, share it, keep it, pass it on. Thanks for finding this book! I hope you enjoy reading it. Please leave a journal entry and let me know where this book has traveled! It can be done anonymously if you wish :)

Received this wishlist Rabck from judygreeneyes. Thank you!

I tried to read this book but found it's not my cup of tea, so I won't be finishing it. Will be wild released soon.

Journal Entry 7 by fathermurphy at - Somewhere In Pearland, TX in Pearland, Texas USA on Monday, May 21, 2018
Released 6 yrs ago (5/21/2018 UTC) at - Somewhere In Pearland, TX in Pearland, Texas USA
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