6 journalers for this copy...
Given to me by one of my fellow volunteers. Another 1001 book to dip into at some stage.
A hitchhiker (yes, it’s another Wishlist book). Hope you enjoy this one which has been sitting unread on my bookshelf for too many years!
Arrived in the mail today from meganh, a surprise wishlist book with my tagged book. Thank you.
Tagged tigergirlnz in the Australasian Wishlist tag game.
Posted today.
Posted today.
Journal Entry 5 by tigergirlnz at Napier, Hawkes Bay-Poverty Bay New Zealand on Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Received today thank you! I've been wanting to read this because I picked up a possible sequel written by another author and then realised 'I don't think I've actually read Rebecca'! Initially I thought I had, but I think I'd just watched a version of it instead. I also thought I had a copy of 'Rebecca' waiting to be read but couldn't find it. So glad to have this, and I will read it soonish, because the sequel has been waiting the longest on Mt TBR to be read, and it must be read :D
Journal Entry 6 by tigergirlnz at Napier, Hawkes Bay-Poverty Bay New Zealand on Thursday, August 17, 2023
Finished at long last...I'm sure this Classic was great in the day it was written, but in my opinion, if it was a debut novel it wouldn't get published today. The heroine of the story is wishy-washy and that never changes. And Maxim? What a gaslighter. The book meanders for at least half of it and then we don't get a great finish. But that's just what I think!
Journal Entry 7 by tigergirlnz at Secret Santa, By Mail/Post/Courier -- Controlled Releases on Friday, December 8, 2023
Released 9 mos ago (12/8/2023 UTC) at Secret Santa, By Mail/Post/Courier -- Controlled Releases
Merry Christmas from your Not-So-Secret Santa. I hope you enjoy this classic more than I did and have a relaxing Christmas surrounded in books and/or family and friends :-)
Opened today. Secert Santa.
Released while at Post Shop. Historical fiction sweepstakes. A pair of books.
Journal Entry 10 by Paulanni at Riihimäki, Kanta-Häme / Egentliga Tavastland Finland on Monday, February 26, 2024
Thank you for the both books, gaboyd, they arrived today. Rebecca is a book I have wanted to read for a long time, but have never got around to it. High time, I think.
Released 4 mos ago (4/20/2024 UTC) at Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland
I happen to have three copies of Rebecca on my shelf. I'll let two of them go to bookcrossers who have it on their wishlists. Happy reading!
Journal Entry 12 by jax987654321 at Wembley, Greater London United Kingdom on Saturday, April 20, 2024
I have read this book before and loved it, hence it got put back on my wish list. Thanks for the RABK