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The Night I Got Lucky
by Laura Caldwell | Women's Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0373895313 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0373895313 Global Overview for this book
Registered by EllyMae58 of El Cajon, California USA on 4/16/2014
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

1 journaler for this copy...

When Billy Rendell suddenly gets everything she wants, it turns out to be the last thing she needs . . .
A long-awaited promotion. Freedom from emotional baggage. A newly - ahem - amorous husband. What's wrong with this picture? Well . . . everything. For starters, Billy hasn't actually earned any of it. Instead, like some character in a fairy tale, this stuck-in-a-rut publicist had all her wishes granted overnight - which feels great, at least at first. But soon Billy's brand-new success starts to unravel - who'd have thought becoming a VP would be so Very Painful? Or that a harmless crush on a co-worker would turn not-so-harmless now that he's crushing back? It'll take a surreal, rollicking, high-stakes journey for Billy to realize what she really wants out of life . . . before it's too late.
A long-awaited promotion. Freedom from emotional baggage. A newly - ahem - amorous husband. What's wrong with this picture? Well . . . everything. For starters, Billy hasn't actually earned any of it. Instead, like some character in a fairy tale, this stuck-in-a-rut publicist had all her wishes granted overnight - which feels great, at least at first. But soon Billy's brand-new success starts to unravel - who'd have thought becoming a VP would be so Very Painful? Or that a harmless crush on a co-worker would turn not-so-harmless now that he's crushing back? It'll take a surreal, rollicking, high-stakes journey for Billy to realize what she really wants out of life . . . before it's too late.

I read this in August 2013.
There was a reason I stopped reading books from the Red Dress Ink line. Originally, I quite enjoyed them, and can easily name several titles I'd be happy to reread or recommend, but basically I guess I just kind of outgrew them. They started to feel formulaic and I felt I could no longer relate to the characters.
I picked this one up because it was recommended by someone with similar tastes and also because I've enjoyed Laura Caldwell's other RDI titles. However, this one fell flat for me. For some reason, I just did not like Billy and hoping that might change, I kept reading. Nope. Still didn't like her. This became a "keep-reading-to-see-what-happens-and-just-finish-already" book rather than a "keep-reading-because-I'm-enjoying-it" book.
There was a reason I stopped reading books from the Red Dress Ink line. Originally, I quite enjoyed them, and can easily name several titles I'd be happy to reread or recommend, but basically I guess I just kind of outgrew them. They started to feel formulaic and I felt I could no longer relate to the characters.
I picked this one up because it was recommended by someone with similar tastes and also because I've enjoyed Laura Caldwell's other RDI titles. However, this one fell flat for me. For some reason, I just did not like Billy and hoping that might change, I kept reading. Nope. Still didn't like her. This became a "keep-reading-to-see-what-happens-and-just-finish-already" book rather than a "keep-reading-because-I'm-enjoying-it" book.

Journal Entry 3 by EllyMae58 at -- Wild Released Somewhere In San Diego -- in San Diego, California USA on Monday, April 21, 2014
Released 10 yrs ago (4/21/2014 UTC) at -- Wild Released Somewhere In San Diego -- in San Diego, California USA

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If you are an old hand at BookCrossing, thanks for picking up the book! Either way, I hope you'll journal so all the previous and future readers can track this book's journey. Thanks, and happy Crossing!
Release paragraph shamelessly stolen from AuntNub. :)