A Dog's Life: Autobiography of a Stray

by Ann M. Martin | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0439717000 Global Overview for this book
Registered by EllyMae58 of El Cajon, California USA on 4/16/2014
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Journal Entry 1 by EllyMae58 from El Cajon, California USA on Monday, April 21, 2014
Squirrel and her brother Bone begin their lives in a tool shed behind someone's summer house. Their mother nurtures them and teaches them the many skills they will need to survive as stray dogs. But when their mother is taken from them suddenly and too soon, the puppies are forced to make their own way in the world, facing humans both gentle and brutal, busy highways, other animals, and the changing seasons. When Bone and Squirrel become separated, Squirrel must fend for herself, and in the process makes two friends who in very different ways define her fate.

Released 10 yrs ago (4/21/2014 UTC) at -- Wild Released Somewhere In San Diego -- in San Diego, California USA


Released in honor of International Bookcrossing Day. Destination unknown.

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