Back of Beyond (Cody Hoyt)
Registered by T02S03B11D20 of Springport, Michigan USA on 3/27/2014
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I enjoyed Cody Hoyt in 3 Weeks to Say Goodbye and he is just the same here. Out of control, but a well meaning guy. This book was a page turner! I think you will like it.

For a wish list tag. Enjoy!

Received in the mail today. Thanks! I always enjoy Box -- I have a few others of his that I need to catch up on.

Another fast-paced thrill ride from Box. Box is one of my favorite crime writers. I have read all of his Joe Pickett series and consider it one of the best in the genre. This book features Cody Hoyt, who is somewhat the opposite of Pickett. While Pickett is a straight shooter who plays by the rules and goes by the book, Hoyt is a hard-drinking police officer in Montana who uses any means at his disposal to get justice. This is the second book to feature Hoyt, the first was Three Weeks to Say Goodbye and the third is The Highway. I've read and enjoyed both of these and look forward to more by Box.
Back of Beyond has Hoyt on the trail of the murderer of his friend and AA sponsor, Hank Winters. Winters was found burned to death in his cabin in what looked like an accident or suicide but Hoyt thinks otherwise. His unorthodox investigation leads him to suspect the killer is on wilderness horse-back trip in a remote area of Yellowstone National Park. And then it turns out that Cody's son, Justin is also on the wilderness outing. But why was Winters killed and why is the killer on this remote outing. The reasons are methodically pieced together in this great outing from Box. As usual, I would highly recommend this one as well as anything else written by Box.

Journal Entry 6 by
at Exchange/Trade, A Bookcrossing member -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Released 8 yrs ago (2/8/2017 UTC) at Exchange/Trade, A Bookcrossing member -- Controlled Releases
Sending as a RABCK to fathermurphy & love2cook. Enjoy!

Thanks for the great books. love2cook says it looks like she should read these C J Box books too.

Enjoyed the story. It had more plots and twists and turns, I'd think I knew who did it and I'd be wrong again. A good page turner.

A good fast paced, action loaded mystery story. Cody Hoyt is an struggling alcoholic and although a brilliant cop he has years of bad behavior with his department. When his sponsor and friend Hank Winter's body is found in his burned cabin. Cody knows in his mind that it's homicide and he will stop at nothing to find out who murdered Hank. As he investigates the crime, it leads to a wilderness horse-back trip in Yellowstone National Park. The very trip his son Justin is on. He needs to make sure his son is safe and find who is creating this cat and mouse game of murder. A very good read.

Journal Entry 10 by fathermurphy at - Somewhere In Pearland, TX in Pearland, Texas USA on Sunday, August 20, 2017
Released 7 yrs ago (8/20/2017 UTC) at - Somewhere In Pearland, TX in Pearland, Texas USA
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