Die Maske des Dimitrios
by Eric Ambler | Mystery & Thrillers | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 3257201370 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 3257201370 Global Overview for this book
Registered by RoseOfDarkness of Baruth (Mark), Brandenburg Germany on 12/15/2013
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2 journalers for this copy...

Journal Entry 1 by RoseOfDarkness from Baruth (Mark), Brandenburg Germany on Sunday, December 15, 2013
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Welcome to BookCrossing. Thanks for taking the time to visit the site. Please make a journal entry to let me know that you have found this book, you may do this anonymously or you may join. There is no charge to join this site, if you are like myself from time to time you may donate to help support Bookcrossing; but it is not mandatory. If you are new to BookCrossing and choose to join, please indicate that you were referred by RoseOfDarkness. Membership is free and your name and e-mail address is not shared with anyone else and it will never be sold. BookCrossing is a a world-wide group of people who love books and wish to share them with others.
Please enjoy this book, if it is not your genre pass it along to someone else or wild release it. In this way we promote literacy and at the same time we can watch our book continue on it's journey.
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read."
Mark Twain
Viel Vergnügen wünscht DAS
Die deutschsprachigen Bookcrosser tauschen sich übrigens in einem öffentlichen Forum aus, in dem jeder Interessierte auch unregistriert mitlesen kann:
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Welcome to BookCrossing. Thanks for taking the time to visit the site. Please make a journal entry to let me know that you have found this book, you may do this anonymously or you may join. There is no charge to join this site, if you are like myself from time to time you may donate to help support Bookcrossing; but it is not mandatory. If you are new to BookCrossing and choose to join, please indicate that you were referred by RoseOfDarkness. Membership is free and your name and e-mail address is not shared with anyone else and it will never be sold. BookCrossing is a a world-wide group of people who love books and wish to share them with others.
Please enjoy this book, if it is not your genre pass it along to someone else or wild release it. In this way we promote literacy and at the same time we can watch our book continue on it's journey.
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read."
Mark Twain

Journal Entry 2 by RoseOfDarkness at per Post an einen anderen Bookcrosser (Baruth/Mark) in -- Per Post geschickt/ Persönlich weitergegeben --, Brandenburg Germany on Monday, December 16, 2013
Released 11 yrs ago (12/16/2013 UTC) at per Post an einen anderen Bookcrosser (Baruth/Mark) in -- Per Post geschickt/ Persönlich weitergegeben --, Brandenburg Germany
Gute Reise. Happy travelling. Bon voyage.

"Wer lesen will, der liest, und jedes Buch wird gefunden von dem, der es sucht."
Eduard Engel

"Wer lesen will, der liest, und jedes Buch wird gefunden von dem, der es sucht."
Eduard Engel

Herzlichen Dank für dieses tolle Buch, das mir heute am 4. Advent zu geflogen kam.

Journal Entry 4 by nistbr at Bücherschrank Benquestraße in Bremen, Bremen Germany on Saturday, August 23, 2014
Released 10 yrs ago (8/23/2014 UTC) at Bücherschrank Benquestraße in Bremen, Bremen Germany
Auf dem Weg in den Bürgerpark dort abgelegt.
Viel Spaß beim lesen und wieder frei lassen.
Melde dich mal wieder, liebes Buch. Erzähl einfach, wie es dir bei deinem neuen Leser gefällt.
Viel Spaß beim lesen und wieder frei lassen.
Melde dich mal wieder, liebes Buch. Erzähl einfach, wie es dir bei deinem neuen Leser gefällt.