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Cat's Eyewitness (Mrs. Murphy Mysteries)
by Rita Mae Brown, Sneaky Pie Brown | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 0553582879 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0553582879 Global Overview for this book
3 journalers for this copy...

Für Eligi reserviert !
While visiting the grounds of the Mt. Carmel, Mary Minor "Harry" Harristeen notices the statue of the Virgin Mary is crying tears of blood. This is only the beginning of strange occurences on the property.
Once the word gets out, large numbers of town residents with the news cameras in the lead, trudge up the mountain to witness this strange event. When a monk is found dead at the foot of the statue, it is at first written off as death by natural causes. After the news reporter who covered the story is found murdered, clues indicate a connection to the strange occurence at the monastery. Of course, Harry and her animals begin an "unofficial" investigation of their own. After all, someone needs to get to the bottom of this!
von der Tauschbücherei Rechberger
While visiting the grounds of the Mt. Carmel, Mary Minor "Harry" Harristeen notices the statue of the Virgin Mary is crying tears of blood. This is only the beginning of strange occurences on the property.
Once the word gets out, large numbers of town residents with the news cameras in the lead, trudge up the mountain to witness this strange event. When a monk is found dead at the foot of the statue, it is at first written off as death by natural causes. After the news reporter who covered the story is found murdered, clues indicate a connection to the strange occurence at the monastery. Of course, Harry and her animals begin an "unofficial" investigation of their own. After all, someone needs to get to the bottom of this!
von der Tauschbücherei Rechberger

Journal Entry 2 by
at OBCZ-Heuschober-Roma dzt GESCHLOSSEN in Linz, Oberösterreich Austria on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Released 11 yrs ago (9/17/2013 UTC) at OBCZ-Heuschober-Roma dzt GESCHLOSSEN in Linz, Oberösterreich Austria
wird an eine Katzenfreundin weiter gegeben

herzlichen Dank für dieses Buch!!

hab ich mit meiner Mutter um die Wette gelesen - ich war schneller! :-)

da ich in meinem Regal noch ein anderes Exemplar habe, konnten wir gleichzeitig dieses Buch lesen -
ich mag diese Serie einfach! hab auch schon 14 Bücher (teils deutsch, teils englisch) davon :-)
dieses Exemplar darf weiterreisen
ich mag diese Serie einfach! hab auch schon 14 Bücher (teils deutsch, teils englisch) davon :-)
dieses Exemplar darf weiterreisen

am 30.10.2013 macht sich dieses Buch im Koffer meiner Londoner Freunde auf den Weg nach England