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Death Comes to Pemberley

by P. D. James | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0571288006 Global Overview for this book
Registered by loulette38460 of Lyon, Rhône-Alpes France on 4/28/2013
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by loulette38460 from Lyon, Rhône-Alpes France on Sunday, April 28, 2013
En voyage

Journal Entry 2 by wingMenelwewing at Yverdon-les-Bains, Vaud Switzerland on Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Quelle surprise de trouver ce livre dans ma boîte ce matin! Merci 1000x Loulette pour ce 2ème livre pour la tombola, mais il ne fallait pas, tu n'y pouvais vraiment rien pour le retard de distribution du premier. Cela dit, ça me fait super plaisir quand même!

Journal Entry 3 by wingMenelwewing at Nyon, Vaud Switzerland on Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Elizabeth Bennet et Fitzwilliam Darcy sont mariés depuis 6 ans et installés à Pemberley. La veille du traditionnel bal annuel, Lydia Wickham, la jeune sœur d’Elizabeth, arrive à l’improviste en hurlant que son mari a été assassiné…

J’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à retrouver l’univers et les personnages d’Orgueil et Préjugés, dans un roman finalement plus judiciaire que policier, mais dont l’intrigue m’a tenue en haleine.
Seul petit bémol à mes yeux: l’épilogue un peu long et pas forcément nécessaire.

Journal Entry 4 by wingMenelwewing at Hôtel Alpha-Palmiers in Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland on Sunday, January 5, 2025

Released 1 mo ago (1/7/2025 UTC) at Hôtel Alpha-Palmiers in Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland


Pour la rencontre mensuelle! Bonne lecture!

Journal Entry 5 by over-the-moon at Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland on Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Pride, prejudice and murder. Promising.

Journal Entry 6 by over-the-moon at Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland on Sunday, January 12, 2025
I started reading this because I noticed that it was serialised on the TV at the moment - I've recorded it but will read first.
Death comes to Pemberley - slowly slowly. Up to p. 54 nothing has happened, but the style is in keeping with Austen.

Oh, just another four pages before the dreaded harbinger of death arrives in the form of a stagecoach hurtling through the night when everyone is about to go to bed.

Journal Entry 7 by over-the-moon at Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland on Thursday, January 16, 2025
Mystery solved.
Amused by the mention of the Knightleys at the end, I presume these are Emma and Mr Knightley somehow tied into the outcome.
I have watched one episode on TV which is a lot more dramatic and the order of events slightly changed. Many familiar TV actors in it, including James Norton, Trevor Eve, Tom Ward and Anna Maxwell Martin.

Journal Entry 8 by over-the-moon at Restaurant pizzeria Bella Vita in Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland on Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Released 5 days ago (2/4/2025 UTC) at Restaurant pizzeria Bella Vita in Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland


One in English for the meetup

Journal Entry 9 by wingYdam21wing at Lausanne, Vaud Switzerland on Tuesday, February 4, 2025
I have this book in French in my pile but I'm taking the opportunity to pick it up in the original version.

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