Weddings in Tripolitania

by Abdelkafi | Nonfiction | This book has not been rated.
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Registered by Tarna of Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on 1/16/2013
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Journal Entry 1 by Tarna from Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Translated from the French by C. P. Bradburne. Dar Al Fergiani, Tripoli 1977. Hardback, 126 pages.
Sketches are by the young artist Abdallah al Akari. Photographs by SHAFKM Co., Libya.

From the library book swap shelf. The book looks truly interesting.

The thing that most strikes one after reading this work of Mr. Abdelkafi is the great love and nostalgia for his country of origin that dominate his sentiments. For it is only in psychic conditions such as this that it is possible to unite science with readability.
In this work, "mutatis mutandis", as in the masterpieces of Darwin and Carrel ("Man — this Unknown Creature"), the opening pages are thick with doctrine and do not admit of zest or humour..
As far as this work is concerned it is particularly after the chapter on polygamy, and, to pin-point it, from the chapter entitled "The Veil" onwards that one is left charmed and full of admiration for the nature of marriage in Tripolitania as compared with that of Greco-Roman and European civilization.
When I read a book it is my habit to have a pencil in my hand and underline significant sentences; and sometimes to write them down in my large notebook of things to be remembered. Now it has happened to me for the first time that after underlining whole paragraphs, I laid aside my pencil because there were no sentences to underline. Instead I had to make my pencil underscore every line. Better then to lay my pencil aside and consider the whole work as one big collection of things to be remembered.
My enthusiasm is not easily stirred, but I really do advise that this valuable work of Mr. Abdelkafi be read slowly and thoroughly assimilated, because in addition to the pleasure of reading it there is the satisfaction of having usefully enriched one's stock of cultural knowledge.
I therefore thank Mr. Abdelkafi for the pleasureable hours his work has afforded me. Many of its paragraphs I have read over again, and I always keep it within easy reach because, especially considering my pastime, which is working with a local periodical, I did and will need to consult it in order to enrich my articles with history and variety.
This is a fruitful documentary work for the Arabist, the Orientalist and all who love and are interested in Arab countries.

Doctor Said Daoud Tokdemir

Tripolitania at Wikipedia

Edited to add (on Nov. 3, 2013) that this book is now reserved for saskiasosmile. I'll just read it first.

Journal Entry 2 by Tarna at Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Monday, November 25, 2013
Finally, I've finished it. I had to read many other (mainly library) books in between but, to tell you the truth, it wasn't the only reason I spent such a long time reading this book. It took so long because I thought the text was a bit dull at first but also because I found the rest of the book extremely interesting and packed with intriguing information. I was truly interested to know that the wedding traditions are somewhat different in different regions. Introducing Jewish weddings was a big bonus. All things considered, I really liked Weddings in Tripolitania.
I'm participating Amynita's Erilaiset kulttuurit (Different cultures) challenge, and this book will represent Libya in my list of cultures. Amynita has asked us to mention something about the culture we've read about. Well, in Tripolitania, weddings last for several days. One of the details that springs to mind is birti, or guffa, or alaqa, the basket filled with perfumes and maybe other things sent to the bride.
After I've labelled the book, it'll travel to Withby in North Yorkshire. (I'm so excited. My favourite TV series —the only one I watch again and again, actually it is the only one I watch — is Heartbeat. I'm glad at least the book I've registered gets to travel to Whitby. :)

Journal Entry 3 by Tarna at Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Released 11 yrs ago (11/26/2013 UTC) at Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland


Big thanks for your patience, saskiasosmile. Happy reading!

Journal Entry 4 by saskiasosmile at Whitby, North Yorkshire United Kingdom on Monday, December 16, 2013
This book arrived one week ago. Somehow I could not journal it the same day, and then I have had internet problems one after the other. It seems to stay on for now..
I apologise for the delay in journalling its arrival and hope you will forgive me now you know why this is.
Thanks as well for the card of Tampere (I have travelled through twice!) and the super origami bookmark! Thanks very much Tarna!

Journal Entry 5 by saskiasosmile at Whitby, North Yorkshire United Kingdom on Monday, February 5, 2018
I did not think that I would enjoy reading this so much! But he author talks with care and love of the traditions of his people, and this akes it very interesting to read.

Journal Entry 6 by saskiasosmile at Cosy Time in York, North Yorkshire United Kingdom on Saturday, November 18, 2023

Released 1 yr ago (11/18/2023 UTC) at Cosy Time in York, North Yorkshire United Kingdom


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