The Birth House

by Ami Mckay | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0676977731 Global Overview for this book
Registered by MoomaOma of Calgary, Alberta Canada on 1/5/2013
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13 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by MoomaOma from Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, January 5, 2013
From the back cover:

"the birth house" is a poignant, compassionate, bittersweet and nostalic look at early twentieth century Nova Scotia

Journal Entry 2 by DendriticTrees at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, March 16, 2013
I actually received this book as a wrapped book at the Calgary Bookcrossers Christmas party. But I've been rather behind on my bookcrossing lately... anyway. I'm really looking forward to reading this, it comes very highly recommended.

Journal Entry 3 by DendriticTrees at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
This book came highly recommended but its not the sort of thing I normally read, so I wasn't sure how much I would like it. Its really great and I found it very compelling. It was a great read.

Journal Entry 4 by DendriticTrees at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, May 10, 2014

Released 10 yrs ago (5/10/2014 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Releasing this lovely book after a long delay back to the Calgary Bookcrossing Group.

Journal Entry 5 by crossingguardma at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Sunday, May 11, 2014
Sounds interesting...safely in my hands....

Journal Entry 6 by crossingguardma at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Friday, June 20, 2014
This was a lovely book. The cover, the pages, the story all made it a nice read. Having it set in Nova Scotia was nice too....our history. Loved the characters. So much wisdom that seems to have been lost!

Journal Entry 7 by crossingguardma at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, August 9, 2014

Released 10 yrs ago (8/9/2014 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


I am taking this book to our monthly bookcrossers meet up at Cravings - the second Saturday of every month- to pass on to the next reader.

Journal Entry 8 by Crataegus at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Picked up at the Calgary bookcrossing meeetup two days ago. Sorry for the late registration.

I've seen this cover quite regularly as a "recommended' book. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to reading it at this point in time but it sounds like one of those books I'll get into when I finally get to it. Added to pile TBR.

Journal Entry 9 by Crataegus at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, September 6, 2014
I didn't think I would get absorbed into this book the way I was. I ended up staying up until 2am to finish it. Not so much a story as a timeline of a girl's coming of age, but still a compelling read.

No wonder it's so popular.

Will be brought to the next Calgary bookcrossing meetup and handed off.

Journal Entry 10 by Eri-Cherry at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Picked up at get together

Journal Entry 11 by Eri-Cherry at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Friday, September 9, 2016
This was a fascinating book. It covered a lot of historical events while not taking the focus off the lives in the small community of Scots Bay. And I thought it was quite interesting in the afterword how it pointed out how during WWI there was a struggle for women's rights which was largely put on the back burner of the news due to all of the war news, and this book did a good job at depicting this.

At first I found the book very amusing in relation to a lot of female maladies according to medical journals and such. Like how if a woman read too much it could cause "derangement", and two of the many systems of a different nervous disorder were "idle talking" and "writing cramps". It seems like a lot of people back then just put most things down to female hysteria and it being a woman's way of getting attention.

Outside of that I loved the variety of characters and the excellent characterization. There was one point at the end of a chapter where I had to put the book down because of how a decision had been made, and it just seemed... like a bad one. I thought the book progressed well, if not always how I thought it would, and I really liked how it ended. I also liked how when the main character spoke up loudly she called for there to be true trust and cooperation between midwives and doctors.

Thank you for an excellent read.

Journal Entry 12 by Eri-Cherry at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, September 10, 2016

Released 8 yrs ago (9/10/2016 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Taken to get together

Journal Entry 13 by agcollett at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Thursday, September 22, 2016
Picked book up at Calgary Meeting at Cravings on Sept 17

Journal Entry 14 by agcollett at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Friday, February 10, 2017

Released 8 yrs ago (2/11/2017 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Will Release at Calgary Craves monthly meeting

Journal Entry 15 by reveredchicken at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Monday, February 13, 2017
Picked up this book at the Calgary bookcrossing meeting at Cravings Market on Feb 11/17

Journal Entry 16 by reveredchicken at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, September 9, 2017
So I wasn't sure what to expect with this book. I was expecting it to be a dry historical novel, I couldn't see how an author could make this subject matter appealing to a person that has no children. I was completely wrong. This was such a captivating read, I did not put this down. So good.

Journal Entry 17 by reveredchicken at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, September 9, 2017

Released 7 yrs ago (9/9/2017 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Will be released at the monthly book crossing Calgary meet-up at Cravings Market Restaurant.

Journal Entry 18 by L-Marie at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, September 16, 2017
I haven't read this book yet

Journal Entry 19 by L-Marie at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Friday, October 12, 2018
It was a well written book about midwifery in the Nova Scotia in the early 20th century. It was interesting to read about the cures and potions that were used in childbirth, abortion, and all forms of female maladies.

Journal Entry 20 by B-Lynn at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Monday, November 19, 2018

Released 6 yrs ago (11/19/2018 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


An interesting look at the times and how the advancement of medicine has evolved over the course of history for maternity patients. We certainly have come a long way but it also seems like we have come full circle.

Journal Entry 21 by AnnaDevika at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Sunday, January 13, 2019
Very much looking forward to reading this book. Caught at local group meetup.

Journal Entry 22 by AnnaDevika at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Loved this book!! Great story and characters, and an interesting glimpse into midwifery and small town life in Nova Scotia circa 1916-1918.

Journal Entry 23 by AnnaDevika at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, April 13, 2019

Released 5 yrs ago (4/13/2019 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Controlled release at local Calgary meetup.

Journal Entry 24 by Ashtoash at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Friday, April 26, 2019
picked up at Apr. 2019 Book Crossing meeting

Journal Entry 25 by fracula at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, October 12, 2024
Picked up at the October meet-up of Calgary BookCrossers.

Journal Entry 26 by fracula at LFL - Huntwick Cres NE in Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, October 12, 2024

Released 4 mos ago (10/12/2024 UTC) at LFL - Huntwick Cres NE in Calgary, Alberta Canada


Hello and congratulations!

You have not only found yourself a good book, but a whole community of book lovers dedicated to sharing books with each other and the world at large.

If you have not already done so, please make a journal entry so we know this book has found a new home. You don't need to join BookCrossing and you can remain completely anonymous. However, we encourage you to join so that you can follow this book's future travels. It's fun and free, and your personal information will never be shared or sold. If you decide to join, consider listing Fracula as referring you.

If it's not your cup of tea, pass it on and consider this as your invitation to the wonderful world of BookCrossing!

Enjoy. Good Book Karma to You!

Journal Entry 27 by Ashtoash at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Monday, October 21, 2024
Brought back to the Oct. 2024 Book Crossing Meeting.

This book was heartbreaking and hopeful. It depicted the constraints of patriarchy both in medicine and in society in early 20th century Nova Scotia and how women found ways to have their voices heard.

Journal Entry 28 by wingifyouknewwing at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Thursday, November 21, 2024
I caught this in a Little Free Library. I enjoyed the story, and will pass the book along.

Journal Entry 29 by wingifyouknewwing at Hotel des Mille Collines in Kigali, Kigali Rwanda on Saturday, January 18, 2025

Released 1 mo ago (1/18/2025 UTC) at Hotel des Mille Collines in Kigali, Kigali Rwanda


Released in a seating area on the main floor, down the corridor left of the lobby, near the stairway down to the breakfast room.

Journal Entry 30 by wingifyouknewwing at Mountain Gorillas View Lodge in Kinigi, North Province Rwanda on Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Released 3 wks ago (1/22/2025 UTC) at Mountain Gorillas View Lodge in Kinigi, North Province Rwanda


After I released this at our hotel in Kigali, my travelling companion picked it up, without even knowing it was me who had left it there! She read it and enjoyed it. We released it at our next stop, Mountain Gorillas View Lodge in Kinigi, on a table in the main lodge.

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