A Child Called 'It': One child's courage to survive

by Dave Pelzer | Biographies & Memoirs |
ISBN: 1558743669 Global Overview for this book
Registered by idioteqnician of Manchester, Greater Manchester United Kingdom on 11/22/2003
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by idioteqnician from Manchester, Greater Manchester United Kingdom on Saturday, November 22, 2003
My Granny was given this book by her friends at Fishers Farm, near Braintree, Essex, England. She brought it with her to Canada when she moved here in May and lent it to me this fall. I read it all in one shot on a 7 hour bus ride from Boston to Montreal.

This book was brutal. It's difficult to give a poor rating to a true story of so much pain, but the writing was not very good. It's apparently the first in a series of three, and my Granny tells me that together they make a story of hope. Hope is entirely absent from this first book, however, and reading it sure does make you uncomfortable in your own skin. I'll read the next two in the series so that I can talk about them with my Granny, but I'm not sure I'm looking forward to it...

Journal Entry 2 by gumshoe007 on Tuesday, December 16, 2003
I received this book from idioteqnician...via our mother (wobbleylegs). I can get quite uncomfortable in my skin with some books but I will read this. I'm sure I've heard of this story...I think the man (already grown) was on Oprah one time. I hope if idio gets ahold of the other 2 in the series, he passes them my way so as to finish the circle of hope.

Journal Entry 3 by gumshoe007 on Friday, December 19, 2003
I agree with idio....writing is very simple. I read the whole book in two sittings. But it does mention in the beginning that it is purposely written in a voice expected of a child that age with the thoughts he was having. Besides that, the content is beyond disturbing. (Somewhere at the back, it states that Dave Pelzer's case....at that time I believe...was the 3rd most serious case of child abuse in the state of Calfornia). But it is interesting that, like the boy, you start to build a mental defense to the physical abuse and specific incidents of the mother's rage. But when she emotionally abuses him and plays mental games with him, your heart is crushed, like his would have been. I cried only in the end with a couple specific incidences.

I would like to read the other two books in the trilogy to find out what happens to him.

Journal Entry 4 by gumshoe007 at Controlled Release in Ponoka, Alberta Canada on Friday, December 19, 2003
Released on Friday, December 19, 2003 at Controlled Release in Ponoka, Alberta Canada.

I gave this to a friend of mine when I finished reading it. I have given her and her daughter books previously and they still have not journalled!! I mildly threatened her to do so!! Muahahahahahaha!

Journal Entry 5 by funhuntress from Ponoka, Alberta Canada on Friday, January 2, 2004
I caught this book while my friend gumshoe007 was passing through for a visit. What an amazing story, although unbelievable at times. I look forward to reading the next two books to get the whole story. This is my first journal entry and will be my first release.

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