Horrid Henry and the Mummy's Curse
by Francesca Simon | Children's Books | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 1858818249 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 1858818249 Global Overview for this book
Registered by catburglar of Coventry, West Midlands United Kingdom on 12/8/2012
This Book is Currently in the Wild!
1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by catburglar from Coventry, West Midlands United Kingdom on Monday, September 16, 2013
Welcome to the world of bookcrossing!
This book has been read, maybe many times and is now available for you to read and pass on. I hope you enjoy it and / or enjoy the concept of book crossing, i.e. passing on finished books and hearing what others thought of them, and seeing where they travel to.
This book has been read, maybe many times and is now available for you to read and pass on. I hope you enjoy it and / or enjoy the concept of book crossing, i.e. passing on finished books and hearing what others thought of them, and seeing where they travel to.
Journal Entry 2 by catburglar at Wesleys coffee shop (Central Methodist Hall) OBCZ in Coventry, West Midlands United Kingdom on Saturday, April 12, 2014
Released 10 yrs ago (4/12/2014 UTC) at Wesleys coffee shop (Central Methodist Hall) OBCZ in Coventry, West Midlands United Kingdom
Will be taken to the meeting today. If no-one picks it up it will be left on the shelf at Wesley's Coffee Shop. Warwick Lane Central Methodist Hall Coventry CV1 2HA