Breathing Lessons
3 journalers for this copy...

I remember this Anne Tyler as a wonderful, warm, poignant read - including themes of marriage, aging, loss.

Released to countedx58 at our Pleasanton meet-up this evening.

Received this from jdt at this evening's Pleasanton Meetup. After I read it, it goes to tatsamillion. Thanks, jdt!

Okay, I'm feeling dumber than dirt right now. (Everybody sing, to the tune of the "Dragnet" theme: dum, da DUM DUM DUM....)
I was going through ALL my books over the past couple of days, stamping them with my cool new BC rubber stamp, and I discovered that I already have a copy of this one on my shelf! I'll be returning it to jdt so she can pass it on to tatsamillion.
I was going through ALL my books over the past couple of days, stamping them with my cool new BC rubber stamp, and I discovered that I already have a copy of this one on my shelf! I'll be returning it to jdt so she can pass it on to tatsamillion.

Released directly to fellow BookCrosser TatsaMillion at this evening's TriValley BookCrossing Meetup holiday dinner at the Outback Steakhouse!

Received through Countedx58 from JDT in a controlled release at THE OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE holiday dinner gathering in Milpitas among my book friends...I will add it to my list (pile) of "books to read"
Thanks, JDT! :-)
Thanks, JDT! :-)

I enjoyed learning about this author's style. It is an easy, pleasant read and I liked it. Mostly, I'm glad I finally finished it!! WHEW!