Can You Keep a Secret?
Registered by busybusybee of Zachary, Louisiana USA on 11/10/2003
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

6 journalers for this copy...

Sophie Kinsella has done it again!! We meet Emma Corrigan, a lovable, looking-for-the-right-man, ordinary British girl. She is like every girl in the world, except she has a few secrets ... like ... losing her virginity in the spare bedroom while her parent were downstairs watching Ben Hur, really being a size 12 not a size 8, watering her very annoying co-worker's spider plant with orange juice and a little copy toner now and then, faking a math GCSE grade on her CV, and the list goes on. She has a harrowing plane trip home from a business trip and in the heat of the moment, when she thinks her life is over and everyone on the plane is going to die, she spills ALL her secrets to a stranger on the plane. At least she thought he was a stranger ...
This is a UK MMPB edition.
This is a UK MMPB edition.

Released to ramson in trade ... Enjoy!!

Received in today's mail as part of a trade with busybusybee. Unfortunately I have a bit of catch up reading to do before I can sink my teeth into this one so its TBR for now. Hope to get to it soon. Thanks so much for the trade!

I just received this in the mail as a trade for How to Meet Cute Boys (which is on its way to the post office today). I'm so excited to read this. I've been a fan of Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series & have been wanting to read this for a while now.

I loved this book. It was funny and heartwarming and everything I expected from Sophie Kinsella. Then again, I really needed a good Chick Lit book to lose myself in these last couple weeks.
Now this book is off to themarina. Hope she enjoys it!
Now this book is off to themarina. Hope she enjoys it!

I got this in the mail last week but with the upcoming move, I've been lagging with my bookcrossing duties! I've actually already purchased and read this sooooooooo I'm going to start another book ring! Should be fun!

Yey! Yet another bookring but I think we'll make this one a bookray! I'll leave it to nikel27 all the way in Germany to make sure this get's on its way safely! The list of participants is below in mailing order. If you have trouble reaching the next person in line, please let me know and move on down the list. * Marks current location.
I hope you all enjoy the book!
NorgeGirl - Alberta
lilkandystar - Manitoba*
annyria - Quebec
Sidney1220 - Maryland
FortyToo - New Jersey
nicole4 - Illinois
Aisho - Tennessee
kellyhp - Texas
pammykn - Florida
nikel27 - Germany
I hope you all enjoy the book!
NorgeGirl - Alberta
lilkandystar - Manitoba*
annyria - Quebec
Sidney1220 - Maryland
FortyToo - New Jersey
nicole4 - Illinois
Aisho - Tennessee
kellyhp - Texas
pammykn - Florida
nikel27 - Germany

I could not put this down . .I received it Monday after work and finished it this morning before work . .Funny and true to life (mine anyway, minus a couple of things that I won't mention here so that I don't spoil anything)I will be searching for more Sophie Kinsella books!! Sending to next in line . .

I just finished book
It was wonderful to read something that wasnt a memoir (been on a memoir kick)
This book had all the shopaholic humor, that i must say made me almost pee my pants.
There was one part that made me snort and laugh out loud.
"My legs arent working properly and my smile is pasted on my face and i have horribal conviction i might suddenly shout "pants!" or something"
when you read the book and understand why this line was there, you'll snort too.
I have recomended this book to all my friends who enjoyed shopaholic.
The ending was a lil ... quick. but humorus :)
awesome book
It was wonderful to read something that wasnt a memoir (been on a memoir kick)
This book had all the shopaholic humor, that i must say made me almost pee my pants.
There was one part that made me snort and laugh out loud.
"My legs arent working properly and my smile is pasted on my face and i have horribal conviction i might suddenly shout "pants!" or something"
when you read the book and understand why this line was there, you'll snort too.
I have recomended this book to all my friends who enjoyed shopaholic.
The ending was a lil ... quick. but humorus :)
awesome book

Released 20 yrs ago (10/1/2004 UTC) at
--sorry for the long wait--
--sorry for the long wait--