The Accidental Tourist

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0425092917 Global Overview for this book
Registered by bookworm123 of Skokie, Illinois USA on 11/6/2003
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by bookworm123 from Skokie, Illinois USA on Thursday, November 6, 2003
Bought to release

Journal Entry 2 by bookworm123 at Cafe Mozart in Evanston, Illinois USA on Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Released on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at Cafe Mozart in Evanston, Illinois USA.

Releasing at tonight's meeting

Journal Entry 3 by jcm from Lisle, Illinois USA on Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I've read one book by Tyler, which I enjoyed, and I have several more floating around here waiting to be read... thanks bookworm123!

Journal Entry 4 by jcm from Lisle, Illinois USA on Saturday, August 28, 2004
The ending caught me completely off guard. It was just sort of an odd book all around.

Journal Entry 5 by jcm at Woodhaven Lake Recreation Area in Sublette, Illinois USA on Monday, September 6, 2004

Released 20 yrs ago (9/3/2004 UTC) at Woodhaven Lake Recreation Area in Sublette, Illinois USA



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