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by Alan Bennett | Biographies & Memoirs |
ISBN: 0571173896 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Pookledo of Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on 5/31/2012
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Pookledo from Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Sunday, June 3, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (6/3/2012 UTC) at RABCK in -- Controlled Release, -- By post or by hand/ in person -- United Kingdom


Off to Wakefield as a RABCK

Journal Entry 3 by wingDelticwing at Ossett, West Yorkshire United Kingdom on Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Well wasn't that a lovely surprise?! Thank you so much one my earliest wishlist books.
It may take a while to get round to it and I'll probably read it in installments, so I'll keep you posted!

As you will see by the photo I'm obviously not allowed to open the parcel till the cat has been fed! Thanks again!

Journal Entry 4 by wingDelticwing at Ossett, West Yorkshire United Kingdom on Monday, December 22, 2014
Its taken me over a year to read this book from start to finish. Thats probably because this is the kind of book that you would normally have sitting on your bookcase, and just occasionally dip into it. I particularly enjoyed "Leeds Trams" and the diary sections, plus "The Lady in the Van". I can't read Alan Bennett's work without hearing his voice.

Thnks for allowing me the opportunity to read this Pookledo! Happy Christmas!

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Journal Entry 6 by wingDelticwing at The Bean in Beeston, Nottinghamshire United Kingdom on Monday, December 29, 2014

Released 10 yrs ago (12/29/2014 UTC) at The Bean in Beeston, Nottinghamshire United Kingdom


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