Ein dicker Hund
2 journalers for this copy...
Found on the book exchange shelf in the Newgrange Lodge hostel, Ireland, and returned to the shelf after registering.
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Journal Entry 2 by futurecat at Newgrange Lodge in Newgrange, Co. Meath Ireland on Sunday, April 22, 2012
Released 12 yrs ago (4/10/2012 UTC) at Newgrange Lodge in Newgrange, Co. Meath Ireland
On the book exchange shelf.
Happy bookcrossing to the finder!
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P.S. If you live in the Christchurch area, you might like to join us at our monthly bookcrossing meetups. For details, see the BCNZ Yahoo Group.
Happy bookcrossing to the finder!
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P.S. If you live in the Christchurch area, you might like to join us at our monthly bookcrossing meetups. For details, see the BCNZ Yahoo Group.
ich hatte es ruckzuck gelesen, wenn mal angefangen kann man es nur schwer weglegen.
herrlicher englischer humor, zumindestens was ich darunter verstehe.
i found the book in the newgrange lodge hostel in ireland, on our last day . i need something to read and so the book went to germany.
herrlicher englischer humor, zumindestens was ich darunter verstehe.
i found the book in the newgrange lodge hostel in ireland, on our last day . i need something to read and so the book went to germany.