Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die

Registered by futurecat of Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on 12/28/2011
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saw this mentioned on Malki!'s blog, and was intrigued enough to buy it.

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Journal Entry 2 by futurecat at Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Sunday, January 1, 2012
The authors in this collection were given a simple premise: what if there was a machine that could tell you how you would die, but not when or where? Each has taken the concept and run with it in a very different direction, some reaching some very strange destinations. Some of the stories are funny, some horrific, some just sad, but they definitely all make you think.

As a bonus, you may spot some of your favourite web-comic artists among the illustrators (and the authors!).

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