The Third Magic

by Molly Cochran | Teens |
ISBN: 031286440x Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingHARRIETwing of Morrow, Georgia USA on 9/26/2003
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Journal Entry 1 by wingHARRIETwing from Morrow, Georgia USA on Friday, September 26, 2003
The Third Magic
Molly Cochran
Forge, Sep 2003, $24.95, 448 pp.
ISBN: 031286440X

Merlin and Hal Woczniak keep young Arthur Blessing safe as he moves closer to regaining his Pendragon powers though the lad is a media sensation. Hal, better known as Galahad, happens to also loves Arthur's aunt Emily. The rest of the old team of Knights of the Round Table belongs to a motorcycle gang.

When Arthur drinks from a spring containing the Holy Grail, he gains the ability to heal people. However, the spring is part of the home of Gwen Ranier, his beloved Guinevere, who must die if Arthur is to succeed. With other problems and the obstacles posed by enemies and lunatics in his way, Arthur’s return as the once and future king seems less likely with every passing moment.

The third entry in this modern Arthurian saga is a strong tale that ties up much from the previous novels (see THE FOREVER KING and THE BROKEN SWORD). However, new fans would be better off perusing the former novels to obtain the full flavor of this charming tale. The cast remains strong making Arthur and his cohorts believable in the twenty-first century and turning a fast-paced and action-packed story line into a great time.

Harriet Klausner

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