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Insane Clown President

by Matt Taibbi | Nonfiction |
ISBN: 0753548402 Global Overview for this book
Registered by dr-reading of Paraparaumu, Wellington Province New Zealand on 6/5/2017
Buy from one of these Booksellers: | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon IT |
3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by dr-reading from Paraparaumu, Wellington Province New Zealand on Monday, June 5, 2017
Series of essays centring on the Republican nomination process and briefly the US presidential elections.

Released 7 yrs ago (6/5/2017 UTC) at Paraparaumu Train Station in Paraparaumu, Wellington Province New Zealand


Part of a bulk release to help build up the staion book zone

Journal Entry 3 by fee19 at Paraparaumu, Wellington Province New Zealand on Monday, May 27, 2019
Picked up at Paraparaumu Station Bookcrossing Zone. The first page resonates - looking forward to reading the rest!

Dipped into this - so biassed against everything-Trump! But then so am I, so it did resonate with me.

Journal Entry 4 by fee19 at Trax Cafe & Bar in Wellington City, Wellington Province New Zealand on Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Released 5 yrs ago (11/7/2019 UTC) at Trax Cafe & Bar in Wellington City, Wellington Province New Zealand


Taken to the Wellington Bookcrossing Meetup at Trax, 7/11/2019.

Journal Entry 5 by Sherlockfan at Wellington City, Wellington Province New Zealand on Saturday, November 30, 2019
Sorry for late acknowledgement of 'catching' this book,
I was at the BC meet-up in Trax at the Wgtn Central Train station in November and the sight of the abhorred name TRUMP caught my attention. After our daughter helped me to start downsizing for a recent house movement I've been urged NOT to catch let alone buy any ANY MORE books but this one I couldn't, just couldn't, resist it.
Now to make time to read this while the Impeachment meetings are going on. CNN competes for my attention.
Guess that really and truly I doubt if Trump's rump has the brains if any to see what a useless and destructive man he is.
What is the Lord doing while this process goes on?

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