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BookCrosser Exchange

Sending BookCrossers around the world
by Skyring
September 23, 2009
I long ago worked out that the best part of BookCrossing.com is not the books but the BookCrossers. There can be few global internet communities so full of well-read, generous, thoughtful, fun-loving and quirky people.

BookCrossing gatherings are visible from across a crowded room – a table piled high with books, surrounded by cheerful people. And BookCrossing conventions take the madness to the next level. Tables collapsing under the weight of books. Hotels full of merry folk leaving a trail of books behind them on release walks, in restaurants, at trivia nights, and on road-trips.

Since 2007 I’ve taken part in a global co-operative effort bringing BookCrossers from one continent to another to participate in the annual BookCrossing birthday each April. In 2007, BookCrosser Exchange raised funds to send New Zealanders Futurecat and Teotakuu around the world to the 2008 London convention. The next year, Moem came from the Netherlands to attend the 2009 Christchurch convention. Each time dozens of generous BookCrossers contributed directly, and hundreds more through fund-raising sales of labels, books, cakes and even a pair of yellow clogs.

This time around BookCrosser Exchange is seeking donations to send two of the organisers of the 2011 Washington DC convention to spread the word in Amsterdam next year. The BCinDC group selected CrrCookie and Melydia as their Transatlantic travellers, and we’re hoping to raise enough money to send more North Americans over to Amsterdam.

Moem and Discoverylover last year put their locks on the line, volunteering to shave their heads to raise funds. They escaped by a whisker.

This year, I can do no less. In fact, I’m going to do more. I’m offering to shave my head, grow a beard AND a walrus moustache. Inspired by the MythBusters television show, I’m asking BookCrossers to choose Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage or Grant Imahara as my style model. Whoever attracts the highest donation total will have the look I’ll aim to emulate when I walk into the Amsterdam convention next April.

Of course, Grant’s clean-shaven and full head of hair look is my preferred option, but if the donations flow another way, just call me Buster!

Check out our website at http://sites.google.com/site/bcxchange/mythbusters-challenge - we’ll be posting updated totals, stories, offers and photographs!

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