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6 Forum Posts Found:

karaka2 17 yrs ago
Hi. Without giving the whole plot away, incest is between sibs and quite graphic what they get up to. I actually found it appalling but the storyline is so good I kept reading. I'm hoping the last of the trilogy, Meri…

karaka2 17 yrs ago | 3 replies
I have the first two of her three bookds about the Lacey family: "Wideacre" and "The Favoured Child". I am looking for "Meridon" which is the third of the series. If I locate that one I could send you the lot. However,…

karaka2 17 yrs ago
Thanks, Thanksmom. The Biog helped and reminded me where of my past reading abou him.

karaka2 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
I'm reading it now. Some thought provoking ideas. Should I keep reading because I'm beginning to get bored. Robert Fuller's name is really familiar. What else is he into?

karaka2 17 yrs ago
I live in Auckland New Zealand. I have and read Wideacre and The Favoured Child but can't seem to find Meridon, the third in the series in any bookstores here. (or second hand bookshops) Is there Anyone in New Zealand t…

karaka2 17 yrs ago
Hi I am a fairly recent member. I mostly enjoy reading and releasing, so not much into the forums. A fellow BCer in Wgtn spotted your question so I thought I would answer. I live in South Auckland but I work in Eller…

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