
Book Search

19 Forum Posts Found:

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 5 replies
I was just wondering what is the longest time you've had between releasing a book, and having it caught [not counting the ones that have never been cought]. For me it was three months from the time I left a book in a …

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 5 replies
I was wondering if anyone knows of a site where you could trade puzzle, sort of the way we do books. I Have so many of the darn things, and hate to just get rid of them. Any ideas

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
I'm actualy looking for homes for my books. Figure it makes cents to send to someone who want them, before just leaving on a park bench. Although I love the wild release.

vtmom13 18 yrs ago
which by the way is so much better than the movie

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 5 replies
Some people post their whish list here, some in other places on the site. Is there a good way to search everyone list?

vtmom13 18 yrs ago
Now I have proof. Hey you know maybe I need more books? I may be few short

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 67 replies
Or something like that. I just counted and I have 98 books waiting to be read. My husband seem to think this is strange. I just wonder if I have enough. How many books do have waiting for you?

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
I just finsihed reading my first Deborah Knott Mystery, by Margaret Maron. It was "Uncommon Clay". What a great mystery writer Ms Maron is. I would to get some of her other books, if any has they would to share. Plea…

vtmom13 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
I have a copy of the book "They Met of Gettysburg" which I would like to offer to another history buff. If I don't hear from anyone in a week, I'll release it into the wild as I do with most of my books. Let me know if…

vtmom13 19 yrs ago
If you are taught to enjoy it someone who love history. I have managed to raise two history lovers, just like me. But I do know what you are saying, for the average person the idea of reading a book about history bring…

vtmom13 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
The book I'm reading right is called "Ghost Woman" and is a great which I can't believe I waited so long to read. I bought it at used book sale at a library in Bradford,VT over five year ago. I really need to read mo…

vtmom13 19 yrs ago
I'm reading "The Cenfederate Nation 1861-1865" by Emory M Thomas.

vtmom13 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
I don't really enjoy reading paper back. It's something about the feel of the book in my hands. I don't however buy many new hard back book either. Because of cost I hunt the book sales.

vtmom13 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
My Babies are now 16 and 17, but I can still remember like yesterday when my youngest was in First grade, and had to ride the bus home alone once a week while his older brother was in Cub Scouts. One Monday he didn't ge…

vtmom13 20 yrs ago
I know I get tired of waiting to find out what has happened to my books. I to have gone back to release places to see if the book is still there, and more often than not it is gone. It makes me sad not knowing where th…

vtmom13 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
But on the 5th as weel today, although to finsh the book tonight, I reading "The Queen Maker"

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