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70 Forum Posts Found:

theperthgirls 18 yrs ago
I agree - it is a major undercurrent in our society - and it is so hushed up. Nobody talks about it - people are protected, survivors are victimised all over again. I only hope that the Michael Jackson case will rais…

theperthgirls 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
good on you for listening!!! more people out there need a friend like you

theperthgirls 18 yrs ago
I will no longer buy his records, and when I hear a song of his on the radio, I will switch it to another channel. Who knows whether he did it or not - I just cannot explain why the hell a grown man decides that sleep…

theperthgirls 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
It is frightening is it not!!! 1 in 4 women. Have a look the next time you are sitting in a group of women and count. Personally, I know a lot of women who have been effected and I volunteer help out on a website s…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago
Good on you - but where were the parents! The parents should be taking responsibility for their kids actions, not a complete innocent stranger like you. I used to live across the road from a mob like this - they just let…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago
I have always wanted to read one of her Alphabet series of books - and recently picked it up at a bookcrossing get together. Thus far I am about half way through and thoroughly enjoying it - i think I have guessed the e…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
I too think that it is disgraceful that meetup is going to charge such a large amount. Just what do they think they are doing? Hopefully people will vote with their feet and not pay. There are alternatives as has been…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago
It is generally hot here during the summer from about 26-35C is normal. Summer is from Oct-Mar It makes good beach and swimming weather, ideal for tourists. Then during winter April - August, plenty of rain and cold we…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago
well my self pity for myself lasted all of a day or so. I have now added another chapter to the sequel and found a book of helpful hints on how to get published!!!!!!! so I will start with that. practice makes perfect…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago
sorry to hear of the passing of your pet. It is awful when you loose a part of your family like this.

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago | 3 replies
Libertine101, I wrote a book last year, a 50,000 word novel as part of - perhaps you saw the link on book crossing. well I finished it and thought - why not try get it published???? I was going to go dow…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago | 11 replies
Hi there, I wrote a book last year and submitted it to an agent who has just informed me that though the premise of the book is good, and I have a great writing style, they were not going to take it on. At least it was…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
my neice is very young (17) and her first baby is due shortly. I am sure she is going to be a good mum. I have a friend who had a baby very young, and is now 33. She said she would do it no other way. Though it was a…

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago
a teacher in grade 9. I think is was for a read-a-thon that we had to read as many books as we could and then write a bit about them. It has been since then that I was hooked on reading.

theperthgirls 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
have you got a current virus checker? if you can, load something like Nortons on it and run a virus scan. This will tell you whether there is a likelihood of a virus or not. My computer here got a virus(s) a while back…

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