
Book Search

575 Forum Posts Found:

kanaye44 13 yrs ago
Im in for the US bookbox too. Thank you for PMing me!

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
Hopefully they will fix this feature when they fix that one.

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
There used to be a link on your profile to all of a user's posts. It still says Posts 553, but no link to them.

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
Ok, registered it. Clicked on the Globey thing and same thing. Says 8 people want it, but wont tell me who they are... Thats the same result as the Search feature, which is what I was first using.

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
I havent jouranled the book yet. I'll do that now and then see if it works. Thank you.

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
I dont see any globe-y thing to click on. Where on your page are you seeing it?

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
There is member browse but no member search. Where is the wishlist search? I have books on my wishlist I removed a while ago and cant figure out how to remove them. And my profile info, like when I joined, isnt …

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
Is this us adding poems? Or is it a book OF poems? If it is us ADDING poems, Id love to join.

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
Was wandering around borders yesterday and found this. Looked really good. Why did he shoot himself in the head? I wanted to know. Could have ILLed it but I wanted it now. So I bought it, got home and read it. I am PR…

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 1 replies 0309 2880 0001 2210 1739 Oh, and I got a package before I left for work. Wasnt able to open it (running late). It may be mine from this.

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 3 replies
Sorry. I forgot I did this. My Uncle passed away the day after I posted this. And then my Grandfather went into the hospital and he is still in there. I am still doing this, I have the book picked out that I am going…

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 18 replies
Would anyone be interested in creating an Altered Book with me and (hopefully) other Bookcrossers? If you are unsure of what an Altered Book is, here is Wikipedia's defintion: ~*~*~ An altered book is a form of mixed…

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
when Ive been waiting for a book for 2 years (on and I finialy get it and its only 140pgs or so, has happened 3 times now. I like my books to have at least 200pgs, I feel a bit jipped when they dont…

kanaye44 14 yrs ago
Taking out: Imperial Spy Dragon Weather Putting in: Vicious Circle by Linda Robertson You Suck by Christopher Moore I will add the BCID's later cause if I dont get out the door in 20mins, I wont be able to send…

kanaye44 14 yrs ago | 5 replies
On peoples profiles there is forum posts and member since. It would be nice to know when they last logged in. I send some RABCKs every year and its hard to tell who still visits the site and who quit a year (or more)…

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