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7 Forum Posts Found:

justguessing 20 yrs ago
Nice to see RH made your list.I fell for Rutger in Blade Runner and have stuck with him thru thick and thin. Mainly thick these days but what the... Rutger in Soldier of Orange while not a bad guy is his hottest role.

justguessing 20 yrs ago
Disregard all the hype - this book is a page turner. It would fit on the shelf with other political thrillers. From the media you would think it is a anti-Bush tome but It's history! It's adventure! It's scary! It is not…

justguessing 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I can walk to Starbucks in 5 minutes but havet two nice real coffee shops just as convenient - Ashton's and Java Monkey. Welcome to Decatur. That would be Georgia. No kidding.

justguessing 20 yrs ago
I've seen this about 4 times. And it still out of todays headlines but funnier.

justguessing 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Synopsis: Fantastical, poetic, sweeping drama traces Guatemalan Indian youths' traumatic journey north to America. Critically acclaimed road movie packs an emotional punch, is a treat for fans of socially conscious drama…

justguessing 20 yrs ago
I am pretty much a Lem completist. Also will buy a Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson and Tony Horwitz without reading a review. And Daniel Quinn, you know, just to save the world.

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