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227 Forum Posts Found:

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
When I married and we moved to Iowa, I felt incredibly removed from my family. My blog is limited to our family -- we can all write, post photographs, ask for advice. We plan our reunions using the blog and even have hea…

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
I had a horrible bout with depression last year and many of the things you are describing were exactly what I experienced. May I ask: Have you stopped smoking recently? That seemed to be the trigger which set off my …

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Should I make a note to every post to me or should I just make one sweeping reply that includes them all? I guess I worry about how I'll be perceived by others -- If I respond to everyone, will it seem as if I'm trying t…

adnyl 18 yrs ago
And, no, I'm not exactly sure what I will end up doing once it's over. I just know that I want to do something that will move us out of Iowa (hopefully closer to my family in the south) and help the overall plight of wom…

adnyl 18 yrs ago
That's all she's reading at the moment, and that's okay -- as long as she's reading. ;)

adnyl 18 yrs ago
At a junior girl scout meeting I made up a list of of odd expressions people use and the girls had to guess why people said those things. It was really hysterical.

adnyl 18 yrs ago
My bookshelf is a dead give away - Women's Studies.

adnyl 18 yrs ago
So this one won't rip up your furniture and treat you like a human scratch toy. LOL! Seriously, that little guy is beautiful. Best wish for a long and happy life together. :)

adnyl 18 yrs ago
There is something very mystical and powerful about standing on the shore and listening to the earth roar.

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 14 replies
That was pretty cryptic, eh? I've been privately researching and considering returning to school for my PhD once our youngest enters kindergarten. Tonight, after all the kids were in bed, I dropped the bomb in his la…

adnyl 18 yrs ago
Babies belong to me... infants are other people's children. (i.e., This is my baby, Samantha. My sister just had an infant son.) I'm not prone to use toddler at all.

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
I've read all of your responses. Some of the things you've suggested have been tried... some have not. My daughter had a bout of severe depression last spring. I learned of it when she confided to me that she had bee…

adnyl 18 yrs ago
Pack away out of season clothing -- in see-through bins if possible, if not, take photographs of what's inside before packing and put that on the bin. Breakable items can be wrapped in clothing which is left in dres…

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 13 replies
My soon-to-be 14-year-old daughter is a very intelligent girl. She consistently blows away those standardized tests, scoring many years above her actual level. During summers, she attends university courses geared to you…

adnyl 18 yrs ago
I've covered 100s of these types of stories while working the police beat as a journalist. With any luck he will show up at the hospital to finish her off and the guard assigned to her door will drag him back off to …

adnyl 18 yrs ago
She's just adorable and her eyes are bright and friendly. I'm sure she'll be able to find a home.

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 9 replies
Do most guys carry man bags? My husband does, but this might be because he needs to stay intimate with all his technological gadgets and diabetes supplies. As for my purse: wallet, lipstick, hand sanitizer, perfume, …

adnyl 18 yrs ago
The wiring of the sexes must be different in some way because I can juggle home, work, family, hobbies, pets, etc. while my husband can only deal with one at a time. I teeter back and forth between believing that women a…

adnyl 18 yrs ago
I'm always reminded to keep my doctor's appointments and be on time because the doctor's time is valuable. There are days I'm tempted to scream that mine is as well.

adnyl 18 yrs ago
To this day I'm furious with Mazie the lazy bird. :) I think I was somewhere around the age of 4.

adnyl 18 yrs ago | 1 replies Who could stay mad at that face?

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