
Book Search

3 Forum Posts Found:

ScaryFaerie 18 yrs ago | 7 replies
Just dropped by to say hi to all of you lovely people - I joined BC a few months ago and really haven't done anything much about the huge pile of books I keep falling over at home! Now I've been here a while, and I'm al…

ScaryFaerie 18 yrs ago
My mum taught me to read before I was old enough to go to school, she said I used to sit and listen to her reading aloud to me and then I used to just pick up words here and there. She also used to take me to the librar…

ScaryFaerie 18 yrs ago
I'm reading Stephen Donaldson's "The Runes of the Earth", the last in the Thomas Covenant series...or rather, the last trilogy in the series of trilogies!

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