It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

28 Forum Posts Found:

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Thank you Passiontoread. I am looking forard to reading your book. Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Thank you,Passiontoread. I am looking forward to reading your book. Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
Thank you,Passiontoread. I am looking forward to reading your book. Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Thank you,Passiontoread. I am looking forward to reading your book. Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago | 7 replies
Passiontoread, I would like to be on your bookring list to read this book but I would like to know more about its content. I will ship anywhere. Please put me on the list. Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago | 8 replies
Passiontoread I would like to be in your list to read this book. I will mail anywahere. Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Great to hear from you, silvia-poo. I will put you on the list! I have several from Europe so no problem! Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Great to hear from you, silvia-poo. I will put you on the list! I have several from Europe so no problem! Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Okay, Southernfryed, I have tken you off the list.....I think! I am sooo new at this that my mind sometimes gets boggled and I find it difficult to know just what to do in all these situations. Bookug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago | 5 replies
Death always strikes on Time! Each time he strikes he takes two victims. He waits for he first vicim to be discovered-a body containing all the clues investigators need to find the second victim, who counts the seconds.…

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Hi,Illiotropio! I will put your name on the list! I will be happy to have you read the book! Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago
Hi,gecko4ever! I am excited but since this is my first attempt at a bookring, I hope I will be doing everything correctly that I need to! I will gladly put you on the list! Bookbug79

BookBug79 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I took the book for what it was worth and did enjoy it. No need to feel a bit sorry for the nice American girl (which I am ;)) Everyone is entitled to his opinion and I was happy to hear from all of you. I did wonder …

BookBug79 16 yrs ago | 21 replies
I am going to start a bookring since I've enjoyed this book so much. Anyone who is interested, please pm me with shipping preferences. Here is the link to the journal entry.

BookBug79 17 yrs ago
Thank you MysCynn I realized I had two answers. I amm not even sure iof thius id ==s the way I answer these helpful hints! BookBug79

BookBug79 17 yrs ago
Thank you so much for your information! U hope I will soon get accustomed to doing these releases. I just released a book in the wild on my doctor's office today. I felt as though I was doing something illegal!!! I wonde…

BookBug79 17 yrs ago | 2 replies
> I am about to release a book to my > daughter as a journal release > and I do not know how. This is my very > first release and I am at a > loss! Please help me. BookBug79

BookBug79 17 yrs ago | 5 replies
I am about to release a book to my daughter as a journal release and I do not know how. This is my very first release and I am at a loss! Please help me. BookBug79

BookBug79 17 yrs ago
Thank you for your help. I know I am going to enjoy being a member once I get the hang of this! I am rather computer handicapped! LOL

BookBug79 17 yrs ago | 2 replies
I am soooo new I just assumed that perhaps this would be something included in my packet.I have seen a few people with was of Sponge Bob Square Pants. Perhaps I should just ask my two daughters who are Boo…

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