It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

57 Forum Posts Found:

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago
I would start with reading the text and see how you do. The study notes tend to distract me and the forward tells me too much information before I am ready to process it. If you get stuck, the study notes may help a lit…

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago Silver actually has a conversation with Daniel Defoe and constantly mentions all the pirate books that he wrote pointing out the inaccuracies as he goes.

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago
by Dean Koontz had this issue. At the end of the book, I couldn't find any reason why the hitman was involved in the story at all. It put a blemish on an otherwise enjoyable book.

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago
I have been enjoying the Green Rider series by Kristen Britain. Not the best writing and can be a little long winded but still very enjoyable.

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago
Books read (30) 2 The Lord of the Rings -Tolkein 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible 8 Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell 9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman …

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago | 1 replies
I am in the US (CA) and can ship anywhere. Thanks!

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago
But I only had a few. When my grandparent passed away my Mother retrieved a plethora of old books from her childhood as well as many from her parent’s childhood. There were books from the 1900 on up, many in decent cond…

Bibliotender 13 yrs ago
Sounds good, please include me. I can ship anywhere and am located in the US (CA) Thanks

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 2 replies I enjoyed this one quite a bit. The authors had an agenda to link Houdini to the CIA but I don't think it overshadowed the history in any way.

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
I bought my brother _Pillars of the Earth_ for his birthday thinking he would like that the historical elements of the story. I also threw in _The Truth About Chuck Norris_ just for fun. As I give it to him, alread…

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I was about to smuggle one into the shopping cart when my wife wanted something that we didn't need (yes, it's a common occurrence). I was able to strike a deal; she could have the item, which she didn't need, as long as…

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
Think about it for a moment, this bully of a kid has been pestering a scrawny little boy for most of his life and then was suddenly shown that this same kid was a wizard. Harry didn't actually do anything but threaten D…

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
Great article by the way...

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 1 replies Created by one of our own!

Bibliotender 16 yrs ago | 3 replies
I was just wandering through cyber-space when I stumbled on this article from Forbes in ’05. I thought this group would sympathize with the son and father.

Bibliotender 17 yrs ago
Which is a told after Treasure Island.

Bibliotender 18 yrs ago | 9 replies
I just finished Peter Pan and have started Don Quixote. In both books there is an introduction written by someone with the intention to give you a better understanding of the story before you start reading. The problem…

Bibliotender 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
I got the feeling that Dracula didn't want to kill everybody that came close to his lair. It seems that he was playing an elaborate cat and mouse game with a lot of different people, with the ultimate prize being his ow…

Bibliotender 18 yrs ago | 3 replies
The pasty librarian? We never did find out what happened to him.

Bibliotender 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
My wife was driving and I was busy putting the kids in the car. I dind't even know what I had done until I got home and saw them sitting on the roof of my car. Now that I think about it, I now know why people were honk…

Bibliotender 18 yrs ago

Bibliotender 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
What is this silence that you speak of? It seems that it would be the absence of noise but is that possible? My children (3 boys under 6 yrs old) always make sure there is some noise, clatter, crash, yell, whine or…

Bibliotender 19 yrs ago | 3 replies
I do belive you are thinking of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.

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