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From Springfield, Ohio USA
Age 30
Joined Friday, January 16, 2009
4 weeks all time
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Extended Profile
My name is Jessii Lynne and I'm fifteen years old. I attend Kenton Ridge High in Springfield and it's the most boring place I've been in my lifetime!

I am a reading addict. I've read so many books I can't even count anymore. I don't necessarily have a favorite genre but I like anything with a good plot line and good writing. Favorite books (series) are Harry Potter, Vamipre Diaries, Wrecked, 13 Reasons Why, Love Sick, Cathy's Book, Flipped, any Comic Book, anything by E. Lockhart (Boyfriend List, Boy Book), 5 People You Meet in Heaven, and SO may more.

Reading is my passion along with music and art. I like techno and rock. Favorite bands include Kill Paradise, The Academy Is..., Britney Spears, and Motion City Soundtrack. As far as art goes I love pencil drawings and photography. I like paint but I can't do it very well. I love to admire other artists' creations but I personally like to do black and white photos.

I'm a pretty cool person when you get to know me. My AIM screen name is jiinxx3 so IM me anytime.

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