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My Favorite Restaurant in Sosua Dominican Republic
My personal Favorite Restaurant in Sosua is Baileys, Here the reason why I like Baileys.

They are two side to baileys one side you serve yourself, House for rent in sosua dominican republic, that side is cheap you can probably spent $150pesos = to $4.00 US Dollars & eat a lot of food. home for rent sosua dominican republic
The other side you sit down & waiter serve you & they automaticly charge you 16% tips plus your food cost.
Food always Taste Great
Very professional employee
They gave me my food fast
When I want to be cheap , when I don't want to spent, i go to the Dominican & for $50pesos = to $1.00 US I eat some Chicken & yuca.

My other Favorite Restaurant in Sosua is LaVache, Its a French Restaurant , There Food is absolutely Delicious, don't bite your finger there.
I found a link for them here it is

In Sosua you don't have a lot of money to live la vida loca. A little bit of money donate you a lot of Luxury, you just need to be in contact with right people.

Sosua is a lot of fun, Enjoy Yourself there.

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