It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.

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Extended Profile
Five Wonderful Tips To Effective Online Marketing (#1 - Goal)
My first entrepreneurial venture was having a very popular network marketing company I was recruited by a friend of mine to. I remember well he and his wife visiting the house that night to tell us relating to this great mlm company that would definitely make us millionaires before we made 30. Going by the way he had been educated by his upline he spent nearly all of that first meeting discussing our why. We looked over photographs of yachts and mansions, talked about how fun it would be to generate a Lamborgini, and fantasized about being multi-millionaires. Despite we signed up and started doing what he was doing, our up-line dutifully held the dream facing us. Just think, if we recruit 97 people I could get that super-duper speedboat that I'd often dreamed about.

I eventually leave the business after spending a lot of money I didnt have-on motivational substance I didnt need and items no one else wanted. And I wondered why I had failed! I couldnt blame the organization because other people were getting rich selling their products and services. Hit this website dream life to discover the purpose of this view. I couldnt blame my upline because they hounded me every day to work the company. So I blame the dream!

You see, I was trying to have that mansion and speedboat when I didnt really want a mansion or even a speedboat. Sure, it'd be good to take a Hawaiian vacation every other week, but at that time in my own life I was just hoping to be able to afford medical insurance. My dream was not a Lamborgini; my dream was to settle the Ford I was already driving. There's nothing wrong with having a multi-millionaire dream, but when that's not your dream it won't motivate you to do whatever it takes to be successful. My upline was keeping the dream before me, but it wasnt my dream.

I had to learn what motivated me. What would make me get out of my rut, disregard the disbelief of friends and family, and persevere till I became successful? For me, it was to get out of debt, be able to afford braces for my kiddies, have health insurance, have funds put aside for college, and to-be able to pay every bill the day it came in. Perhaps not uniform material, but it was my desire. I hate debt and can do anything to do away with it. I like speedboats but wont do anything to possess one. And when I found that I hate debt greater than I like speedboats, I found my dream.

Most of us understand that you must establish your why, however it must be your why. To compare more, we recommend people have a view at: link. I would do absolutely such a thing in my power to guarantee the health of my young ones. I'd give my blood, donate any wood, and even give my very life for them. But I dont know that I'd do all of it for your children. My children mean more if you ask me than any other children on the planet and I'd do for them what I'd not do for any others. Therefore it is with your dream! My dream won't motivate you. Your dream can drive you to the ends of the planet earth. Clicking good business ideas probably provides warnings you might tell your father.

Learn your dream and you have take-n the fist step in becoming successful. You may do anything you want if you want to bad enough..

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