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From São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil
Age 52
Joined Saturday, September 11, 2004
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Extended Profile
Last update in 2013.

What I'm currently reading:
O que estou lendo agora:

- O Caminho de Guermantes (Guermantes Way) - Marcel Proust
- Less than One - Joseph Brodsky

Books I've read in 2013:
Livros que li em 2013:

4) O Assassino Sem Rosto (Maigret and the Enigmatic Lett) - Georges Simenon
3) Credo - Rose Wilder Lane
2) A Cadeira de Prata (The Silver Chair) - C. S. Lewis - To my daughter/Para minha filha
1) The God of the Machine - Isabel Paterson

Books I've read in 2012:
Livros que li em 2012:

17) O Que É Filosofar - Josef Pieper
16) A Viagem do Peregrino da Alvorada (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) - C. S. Lewis - To my daughter/Para minha filha
15) À Sombra das Moças em Flor (In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower) - Marcel Proust
14) Crise e Utopia - Martim Vasques da Cunha
13) Burke, Paine and the Rights of Man - R. R. Fennessy
12) A Queda - Diogo Mainardi
11) A Soma e o Resto - Fernando Henrique Cardoso
10) Albert Einstein - Pensamento Político e Últimas Conclusões - Albert Einstein e Mário Schenberg
9) No Caminho de Swann (Swann's Way) - Marcel Proust
8) Por que Virei à Direita (Why Have I Turned Right) - João Pereira Coutinho, Luiz Felipe Pondé e Denis Rosenfield
7) Christ: a Crisis in the Life of God - Jack Miles
6) Guia Politicamente Incorreto da Filosofia (Politically Incorrect Guide to Philosophy) - Luiz Felipe Pondé
5) Sobre a Liberdade (On Liberty) - John Stuart Mill
4) Através do Espelho e o que Alice Encontrou por Lá (Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There)- Lewis Carroll - To my daughter/Para minha filha
3) A Fúria de Maigret (Maigret Loses His Temper) - Georges Simenon
2) O Homem que Sabia Demais (The Man Who Knew Too Much) - David Leavitt
1) The Mind and the Market - Jerry Z. Muller

Books I've read in 2011:
Livros que li em 2011:

18) The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization - Bryan Ward-Perkins
17) Give Me Liberty - Rose Wilder Lane
16) Liberdade Versus Igualdade Vol. 1 - O Mundo em Desordem (Liberty versus Equality Vol. 1 - The World in Disorder) - Demétrio Magnoli / Elaine Senise Barbosa
15) God: a Biography - Jack Miles
14) Design by Contract - Richard Mitchel / Jim McKim
13) Guia Politicamente Incorreto da América Latina (Politically Incorrect Guide to Latin America) - Leandro Narloch / Duda Teixeira
12) Alice no País das Maravilhas (Alice in Wonderland) - Lewis Carroll - To my daughter/Para minha filha
11) Historia Universal de la Infamia (A Universal History of Infamy) - Jorge Luis Borges
10) Peer Reviews in Software - Karl Wiegers
9) Software Inspections - Tom Gilb / Dorothy Graham
8) As Seis Lições (Economic Policy: Thougths for Today and Tomorrow) - Ludwig von Mises
7) The Case for Israel - Alan Dershowitz
6) Peopleware - Tom DeMarco / Timothy Lister
5) Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
4) Avenida Paulista - João Pereira Coutinho
3) Príncipe Caspian (Prince Caspian) - C. S. Lewis - To my daughter/Para minha filha
2) Pomos da Discórdia (Apples of Discord) - Nelson Ascher
1) Se Eu Fechar os Olhos Agora (If I Close My Eyes Now) - Edney Silvestre

Books I've read in 2010:
Livros que li em 2010:

16) Neoliberal, Não. Liberal. - Carlos Alberto Sardenberg
15) O Leão, a Feiticeira e o Guarda-Roupa (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) - C. S. Lewis - To my daughter/Para minha filha
14) Cosmos - Carl Sagan
13) O Pequeno Príncipe (Little Prince) - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - To my daughter/Para minha filha
12) O Amigo de Infância de Maigret (Maigret's Boyhood Friend) - Georges Simenon
11) A Louca de Maigret (Maigret and the Madwoman) - Georges Simenon
10) Maigret e o Ladrão Preguiçoso (Maigret and the Idle Burglar) - Georges Simenon
9) Maigret se Diverte (Maigret's Little Joke) - Georges Simenon
8) How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes - Peter Schiff and Andrew Schiff
7) Os Escrúpulos de Maigret (Maigret Has Scruples) - Georges Simenon
6) Give Me Liberty - Rose Wilder Lane
5) The Discovery of Freedom - Rose Wilder Lane
4) Memorias de un Guerrillero Cubano Desconocido (Memoirs of an Unknown Cuban Guerrilla) - Juan Juan Almeida García
3) Coluna Prestes: O Avesso da Lenda (Prestes' Long March: The Reverse of the Legend) - Eliane Brum
2) Guia Politicamente Incorreto da História do Brasil (Politically Incorrect Guide to the History of Brazil) - Leandro Narloch
1) Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal - Ayn Rand

Books I've read in 2009:
Livros que li em 2009:

13) Máximas de um País Mínimo - Reinaldo Azevedo
12) De Cuba, com Carinho (From Cuba with Love) - Yoani Sánchez
11) Uma Gota de Sangue (One Drop of Blood) - Demétrio Magnoli
10) A Ilha Roubada (Stolen Island) - Sandro Vaia
9) King Lear - William Shakespeare
8) The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
7) Bartleby - Herman Melville
6) O Retrato de Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray) - Oscar Wilde
5) O Leitor (The Reader) - Bernhard Schlink
4) A Volta ao Dia em Oitenta Mundos (Around the Day in Eighty Worlds) - Julio Cortázar
3) Contra o Brasil (Against Brazil) - Diogo Mainardi
2) Polígono das Secas (Drought Polygon) - Diogo Mainardi
1) Arquipélago (Archipelago) - Diogo Mainardi

Books I've read in 2008:
Livros que li em 2008:

13) O Aleph (The Aleph) - Jorge Luis Borges
12) Dom Casmurro - Machado de Assis
11) O País dos Petralhas - Reinaldo Azevedo
10) Futebol - The Brazilian Way of Life - Alex Bellos
9) A Moral Deles e a Nossa (Their Morals and Ours) - Leon Trotsky
8) The Man Who was Thursday - G. K. Chesterton
7) Canções da Inocência e Canções da Experiência (Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience) - William Blake
6) O Presidente Negro (The Black President) - Monteiro Lobato
5) Viajantes do Sol Nascente - Jhony Arai
4) Relativity Simply Explained - Martin Gardner
3) A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift
2) Lula É Minha Anta - Diogo Mainardi
1) A Literatura Inglesa (English Literature) - Anthony Burgess

Books I've read in 2007:
Livros que li em 2007:

20) Nine and a Half Weeks - Elizabeth McNeill
19) Sobre o Islã (On Islam) - Ali Kamel
18) Koba the Dread - Martin Amis
17) O Videota (Being There) - Jerzy Kosiński
16) Vanguarda do Atraso - Diego Casagrande
15) A Cabeça do Brasileiro - Alberto Carlos Almeida
14) O Jovem Törless (The Confusions of Young Törless) - Robert Musil
13) Cândido, ou O Otimismo (Candide, or Optimism) - Voltaire
12) George Orwell: A Busca da Decência - Ricardo Bonalume Neto
11) Maigret e Seu Morto (Maigret's Dead Man) - Georges Simenon
10) All's Well That Ends Well - William Shakespeare
9) La Rebelión de las Masas (The Revolt of the Masses) - José Ortega y Gasset
8) O Afeto que se Encerra - Paulo Francis
7) Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery - Brian Boyd
6) Philosophy as Fiction: Self, Deception and Knowledge in Proust - Joshua Landy
5) Proust's Way - Roger Shattuck
4) O Leopardo (The Leopard) - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
3) Christmas Story - H.L. Mencken
2) Malthus - Diogo Mainardi
1) Learning to Bow: Inside the Heart of Japan - Bruce Feiler

Books I've read in 2006:
Livros que li em 2006:

18) To Kill a Mockinbird - Harper Lee
17) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon
16) O Tempo Redescoberto (Time Regained) - Marcel Proust
15) A Fugitiva (The Fugitive) - Marcel Proust
14) Cabeça de Negro - Paulo Francis
13) Cabeça de Papel - Paulo Francis
12) Sangue, Suor e Lágrimas (Into Battle) - Winston Churchill
11) Da Dissimulação Honesta - Torquato Accetto
10) A Prisioneira (The Prisoner) - Marcel Proust
9) Cai o Pano (Curtain) - Agatha Christie
8) Sodoma e Gomorra (Sodom and Gomorrah) - Marcel Proust
7) ¿Cómo Se Llama Este Libro? (What is the Name of this Book?) - Raymond Smullyan
6) Dubliners - James Joyce
5) A Última Missão (Tremor of Intent) - Anthony Burgess
4) Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas Hofstadter
3) The Bells of Nagasaki - Takashi Nagai
2) O Caminho de Guermantes (Guermantes Way) - Marcel Proust
1) Scens of an A-bomb City: Diary of Hiroshima - Yuichiro Sasaki

Books I've read in 2005:
Livros que li em 2005:

17) Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) - J. K. Rowling
16) The Short-Timers - Gustav Hasford
15) As Coisas São Assim. Pequeno Repertório Científico do Mundo Que Nos Cerca. (How Things Are: a Science Toolkit for the Mind) - John Brockman & Katinka Matson (org)
14) Annotated Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov, Alfred Appel Jr.
13) Fogo Pálido (Pale Fire) - Vladimir Nabokov
12) The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
11) The Folklore of the Isle of Man - Margaret Killip
10) Contra o Consenso - Reinaldo Azevedo
9) Mostly Harmless - Douglas Adams
8) So Long and Thanks for All the Fish - Douglas Adams
7) Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams
6) The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
5) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
4) Os Piores Textos de Washington Olivetto - Washington Olivetto
3) O Teatro de Luís Alberto de Abreu: Até a Última Sílaba - Adélia Nicolete
2) A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
1) Meninos, Eu Vi... - Juca Kfouri

Released books:
Livros libertados:

30) La Vida Es Sueño - Pedro Calderón de la Barca (2011-03-11)
29) El Alcalde de Zalamea - Pedro Calderón de la Barca (2010-03-11)
28) Máximas de um País Mínimo - Reinaldo Azevedo (2010-03-11)
27) Jaime Bunda, Agente Secreto - Pepetela (2010-03-11)
26) Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy (2010-03-11)
25) O Inspetor Geral - Arlete Cavalieri (2010-03-11)
24) Complete Works of William Shakespeare (2009-09-11)
23) Don Quijote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes (2009-03-12)
22) O País dos Petralhas - Reinaldo Azevedo (2008-10-24)
21) Sobre o Islã (On Islam) - Ali Kamel (2008-09-11)
20) The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad (2008-09-11)
19) Hamlet - William Shakespeare (2008-07-10)
18) Don Quijote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes (2008-03-11)
17) Fogo Pálido (Pale Fire) - Vladimir Nabokov (2008-02-11)
16) Dias na Birmânia (Burmese Days) - George Orwell (2008-02-11)
15) Lutando na Espanha (Homage to Catalonia) - George Orwell (2008-01-24)
14) Dias na Birmânia (Burmese Days) - George Orwell (2007-11-22)
13) Fogo Pálido (Pale Fire) - Vladimir Nabokov (2007-11-22)
12) Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov (2007-11-22)
11) Sobre o Islã (On Islam) - Ali Kamel (2007-09-11)
10) A Tapas e Pontapés - Diogo Mainardi (2007-08-17)
9) Romeu e Julieta (Romeo and Juliet) - William Shakespeare (2007-07-07)
8) Don Quijote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes (2007-03-11)
7) A Revolução dos Bichos (Animal Farm) - George Orwell (2006-09-11)
6) Don Quijote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes (2006-03-11)
5) The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad (2005-09-23)
4) Hiroshima - John Hersey (2005-08-06)
3) Don Quijote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes (2005-03-11)
2) The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank (2005-02-25)
1) Hamlet - William Shakespeare (2004-09-11)

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