The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

by Douglas Adams | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
ISBN: 0345418913 Global Overview for this book
Registered by HowlinDog of Scottsboro, Alabama USA on 7/30/2004
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by HowlinDog from Scottsboro, Alabama USA on Friday, July 30, 2004
Book was recommended to me because my sense of humor (a little off center)and that I am somewhat of a political junkie. Read the book quickly for me (about 3 days). Enjoyed the sarcastic humor and gags in the book (the depressed robot causing the space ship computer to commit suicide). I guess the only thing that I didn't like was the number of times the travellers got pulled from sure death. But what the heck, it is a fanasty. Not sure if I will get the rest of the series.

Journal Entry 2 by HowlinDog from Scottsboro, Alabama USA on Thursday, August 19, 2004
Letting this little birdy flap it's wings.... controlled release to a friend of mine... and she damn well better comment on it....LOL

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