Mozarts Zaide: Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Abenteuern

by Italo Calvino | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 3446163999 Global Overview for this book
Registered by fabianaitaly of Roma, Lazio Italy on 7/17/2016
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by fabianaitaly from Roma, Lazio Italy on Sunday, July 17, 2016
I can't read German... So I hope it will find a reader!

Journal Entry 2 by fabianaitaly at Roma, Lazio Italy on Sunday, July 17, 2016

Released 7 yrs ago (7/17/2016 UTC) at Roma, Lazio Italy



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Journal Entry 3 by italianeowyn at Prata di Pordenone, Friuli Venezia Giulia Italy on Saturday, July 30, 2016
... :)

Journal Entry 4 by italianeowyn at Hotel Holiday in Medulin, Istria Croatia on Friday, August 5, 2016

Released 7 yrs ago (8/6/2016 UTC) at Hotel Holiday in Medulin, Istria Croatia


"Don't ever apologize to an author for buying something in paperback, or taking it out from a library (that's what they're there for. Use your library). Don't apologize to this author for buying books second hand, or getting them from bookcrossing or borrowing a friend's copy. What's important to me is that people read the books and enjoy them, and that, at some point in there, the book was bought by someone. And that people who like things, tell other people. The most important thing is that people read... "
— Neil Gaiman

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Journal Entry 5 by rem_JohannaDeTamble at Medulin, Istria Croatia on Friday, September 9, 2016
Hallo lieber nächster Leser dieses sehr besondern Buches!

Auf ein Buch wie dieses stößt man nicht alle Tage - es ist aufgebaut wie eine Art Theaterstück und mit unglaublich schönen Bildern ausgestattet - man muss dieses Buch einfach irgendwie mögen...

Ich wünsche Dir ein fröhliches Lesen, nächster Finder ;)

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