
by Greg Rucka | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 0553574299 Global Overview for this book
Registered by WWestWind of Boulder, Colorado USA on 9/29/2003
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by WWestWind from Boulder, Colorado USA on Monday, September 29, 2003
Wow! Hooked and hooked good by page one. I read the excerpt for Finder in the back of the first book (Keeper) and had to change out of my pajamas and make a late night run to the bookstore because I just had to start reading it NOW NOW NOW. (Insta-gratification much?)

After the trauma suffered during his last job, Atticus Kodiak (god, that's a great name!) can't find it in himself to go back to being a bodyguard. He's taken a job at the local S&M joint as a bouncer, and though it's not really his thing, at least it isn't boring and it pays the bills. It's there that he encounters a familiar face, the underage daughter of a former client. When his past comes back to haunt him (with a Glock), Atticus finds himself back in the game, putting himself between his client and a bullet.

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