Titles by Marie Borroff

Sir Gawain and the Green knight
category Science Fiction & Fantasy
ISBN: 0393097544
Copies Registered: 7
Sir Gawain and the Green knight
category Science Fiction & Fantasy
ISBN: 0393976580
Copies Registered: 3
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (A New Verse Translation)
category Poetry
ISBN: 0393097544
Copies Registered: 3
Sir Gawain and the Green knight
category Science Fiction & Fantasy
ISBN: 0140440925
Copies Registered: 1
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, Pearl: Verse Translations
category Literature & Fiction
ISBN: 0393976580
Copies Registered: 1
Wallace Stevens: A Collection of Critical Essays
category Reference
ISBN: 0138466009
Copies Registered: 1

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